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发布时间:2018-03-15 07:21

  本文选题:房价波动 切入点:贫富差距 出处:《湘潭大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:住房体制改革以来,我国改变了过去的住房实物分配制度,实行住房分配的市场化和货币化。这一改革措施推动了我国房地产行业的快速发展,成为带动我国经济增长的支柱性产业。与此同时,以土地为首的相关生产要素开始变得稀缺,,生产要素的稀缺性与投资性使房产处于供不应求的状态。2014以前,我国各地房价普遍上涨,部分城市的房价涨幅在通货膨胀背景下逐渐偏离理性增长区间。过高的房价使大部分居民“望楼兴叹”,同时,由于投资渠道有限和通货膨胀的存在,中低收入阶层的买房愿望已越来越难以实现。相比中低收入阶层而言,高收入阶层由于资本充足,投资渠道丰富,能有效进入房地产市场,获取房价上涨滋生的资产性收益,不同收入阶层的贫富差距由于房地产财富效应的存在而逐渐拉大。 本文着重从区际差异化的角度来分析我国房价波动对贫富差距的影响,全文把我国各省份和地区按地理位置的不同分成了东、中、西三个部分,分别研究每个地区的房价波动对贫富差距的影响关系及程度。首先,文章简单描述了我国目前房价波动区域差异的现状及其原因,以及贫富差距区域化的现状和原因,并对房价波动如何影响贫富差距进行了理论分析。其次从房地产财富效应、信贷效应、通货膨胀效应、国家宏观经济政策调控、房屋流通市场以及城市化进程这六个方面来分析房价波动对贫富差距影响的传导机制。在实证研究方面,首先,本文使用胡祖光的基尼系数简易计算方法作为本文测算各省份和地区基尼系数的唯一标准算法,计算出了我国28个省份的2003年到2012年的基尼系数。同时收集了这28个省份和地区2003年到2012年的城镇商品房均价和城市居民人均可支配收入的数据,运用EVIEWS6.0软件对三个地区的房价和基尼系数进了单位根检验、面板协整检验、格兰杰检验以及固定效应和随机效应检验。文章最后根据相关理论分析和实证检验结果,从四个方面提出了相关政策建议。
[Abstract]:Since the reform of the housing system, our country has changed the housing distribution system in the past and implemented the marketization and monetization of housing distribution. This reform has promoted the rapid development of the real estate industry in our country. At the same time, the related factors of production, led by land, began to become scarce, and the scarcity and investment of production factors made the real estate in a state where supply was short of supply before 2014. Housing prices in various parts of our country have generally risen. In some cities, the rise in house prices has gradually deviated from the rational growth range under the background of inflation. The excessive housing prices have made most residents "look forward to buildings". At the same time, due to the limited investment channels and the existence of inflation, It is becoming increasingly difficult for the low- and middle-income class to buy a house. Compared with the low- and middle-income class, the high-income class, with sufficient capital and abundant investment channels, can effectively enter the real estate market and obtain the asset income generated by the rise in house prices. The gap between the rich and the poor of different income class is gradually enlarged by the existence of real estate wealth effect. This paper analyzes the impact of the fluctuation of house price on the gap between the rich and the poor from the perspective of regional differentiation. The full text divides the provinces and regions of our country into three parts according to their geographical position: east, middle and west. First of all, the paper briefly describes the current situation and reasons of the regional difference of house price fluctuation in China, as well as the present situation and reasons of the regionalization of the gap between the rich and the poor. And how the fluctuation of house prices affects the gap between rich and poor is theoretically analyzed. Secondly, from the real estate wealth effect, credit effect, inflation effect, national macroeconomic policy control, Housing circulation market and urbanization process to analyze the impact of housing price fluctuations on the transmission mechanism of the gap between rich and poor. In this paper, Hu Zuguang's simple calculation method of Gini coefficient is used as the sole standard algorithm for calculating the Gini coefficient in all provinces and regions. The Gini coefficient of 28 provinces in China from 2003 to 2012 is calculated, and the data of the average price of urban commercial housing and the per capita disposable income of urban residents in these 28 provinces and regions from 2003 to 2003 are collected. The paper applies EVIEWS6.0 software to the unit root test, panel cointegration test, Granger test and fixed effect and random effect test for house price and Gini coefficient in three regions. Some policy suggestions are put forward from four aspects.


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