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发布时间:2018-03-20 03:39

  本文选题:黑龙江 切入点:国际交流与合作 出处:《哈尔滨工业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着全球经济一体化及政治多极化趋势的形成,越来越多的国家通过同其他各国的交流与合作来共同解决一些问题,国家相互之间的交流与合作日益频繁,也成为经济发展的一种必然。加强国际交流与合作具有加强国际联系、参与国际竞争的重要意义,而商务部作为国内外贸易和国际经济合作领域的主管部,一直发挥着重要的国际化职能,,并高度重视国际交流与合作,积极推进中国同其他国家建立双边交流合作机制,同时,参与相关国际规则和标准的制定研究,增加中国在世界范围内的话语权,积极发挥着桥梁作用,促进“引进来”和“走出去”,推动对外投资和利用外资协调发展及其互惠互利的多双边经贸关系,不断提升中国对外开放水平。 本文主要针对黑龙江商务部门加强国际交流与合作的问题及对策研究为切入点,对国际交流与合作相关理论进行分析的同时,以黑龙江商务部门加强国际交流与合作问题及对策研究为具体案例,以国际交流与合作相关理论为基础,对黑龙江省对外经贸交流与合作实际状况进行分析并提出具体的策略及方法,从而促进黑龙江省“引进来”和“走出去”的步伐,提高其对外开放水平和能力。
[Abstract]:With the formation of multi polarization trend of global economic integration and political, more and more countries to jointly solve some problems through exchanges and cooperation with other countries, exchanges and cooperation between nations have become increasingly frequent, become an inevitable trend of economic development. To strengthen international exchanges and cooperation has important significance to strengthen international ties, participate in international competition the Ministry of Commerce, and as the domestic and foreign trade and international economic cooperation in the field of administrative department, has been an important international function, and attaches great importance to international exchanges and cooperation, and actively promote the establishment of bilateral exchanges and cooperation mechanisms, Chinese with other countries at the same time, study and participate in the formulation of relevant international rules and standards, increase China in the world the right to speak, and actively play a role as a bridge, to promote the "bringing in" and "going out", to promote foreign investment and foreign capital utilization coordinated development And its mutually beneficial bilateral economic and trade relations are constantly improving the level of China's opening to the outside world.
This paper mainly studies on the Heilongjiang Department of Commerce to strengthen international exchanges and cooperation problems and countermeasures as the starting point, to international exchanges and cooperation in the relevant theoretical analysis at the same time, the Heilongjiang Department of Commerce to strengthen international exchanges and cooperation on the problems and Countermeasures of the case to the international exchange and cooperation theory, the actual situation in Heilongjiang Province Foreign Economic and trade exchanges and cooperation are analyzed and put forward the specific strategies and methods, so as to promote the Heilongjiang province "bringing in" and "going out" pace, improving the opening level and ability.



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