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发布时间:2018-03-20 13:11

  本文选题:财政支出风险 切入点:宏观经济不确定性 出处:《中国财政科学研究院》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The third Plenary session of the 18 CPC Central Committee clearly pointed out that "Finance is the foundation and important pillar of state governance." It is an objective requirement to realize the modernization of the national governance system and governance capability. Under the new normal background of the economic downturn, the long-accumulated structural contradictions are beginning to surface, and all kinds of uncertainties are superimposed. The fiscal sector is also facing a "new normal risk", such as widening the gap in revenue and expenditure, increasing the fiscal deficit, and expanding the size of the debt. In particular, the spending side has to bear the pressure of rigid growth of economic development and increased demand for public services. In addition, it will suffer from the random impact brought by the macroeconomic uncertainty, face the defects of endogenous system, such as wrong decision making and poor management, and the situation of risk divergence is more serious. Therefore, the transmission path of fiscal expenditure risk is studied. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to find out the specific reasons for the diffusion of fiscal expenditure risk and to build a warning model of expenditure risk. Based on the previous studies, this paper mainly uses the method of combining theoretical analysis with empirical analysis. Focus on the impact of macroeconomic uncertainty on fiscal expenditure risk. The so-called fiscal expenditure risk refers to the possibility that fiscal expenditure cannot be realized or expenditure cannot be controlled. As for macroeconomic uncertainty, This paper analyzes the impact of macroeconomic variables on the risk of fiscal expenditure from the angle of interaction, interaction and mutual determination of macroeconomic variables. Around the above two core concepts, this paper starts with the basic analysis and analyzes the relevant definitions and theories. This paper demonstrates the path of exogenous and endogenous uncertainty affecting financial expenditure risk. The former mainly refers to the exogenous impact of macroeconomic uncertainty on fiscal expenditure risk under the two action mechanisms of "automatic stabilizer" and "camera choice". The latter mainly refers to the fiscal expenditure risk arising from the interaction between fiscal expenditure and other macroeconomic variables under the conditions of uncertain expectations and incomplete information. This paper analyzes the main risks facing the fiscal expenditure in China, the typical uncertainty factors in the macro economy and the actual state of the financial expenditure risk affected by the macroeconomic uncertainty. Five variables of fiscal expenditure elasticity, policy uncertainty, unemployment, private fixed asset investment and net export are selected to establish VAR model. The dynamic relationship between variables is analyzed by impulse response function. The results show that the risk of fiscal expenditure reflected by the fiscal revenue elasticity of fiscal expenditure is uncertain, and the increase of policy and unemployment uncertainty will increase the risk of fiscal expenditure. The increase of private fixed asset investment and net export can reduce the risk of fiscal expenditure, and the impact of macroeconomic uncertainty on the risk of fiscal expenditure is sustainable. It is concluded that the impact of macroeconomic uncertainty should be taken into account in the design of fiscal expenditure risk early warning indicator system; fiscal expenditure activities should be more prudent to avoid the risk impact caused by inefficient fiscal expenditure; and private investment should be encouraged and guided. Finally, combining the VAR model with the risk measurement model, the dynamic early-warning index system of the fiscal expenditure risk is constructed, and the extrapolation prediction simulation is carried out through the VAR model. The forecast value is put into the risk early warning model to monitor the change of fiscal expenditure risk under the condition of macroeconomic uncertainty.


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