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发布时间:2018-03-20 13:21

  本文选题:中国 切入点:国家形象 出处:《拉丁美洲研究》2016年05期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:With the rise of China and the promotion of the "going out" strategy, China's national image consciousness is growing. Compared with other regions, Latin America is more distant from China, more complex in culture, and more deeply influenced by Western values. This paper makes a comparative analysis of Pew attitude Survey in the United States and the successive surveys of Latin American Barometer on Latin America's perception of China. It is found that China's image in Latin America is better than that in the western world, but it is far inferior to that in Africa. The reasons behind it can be attributed to four main reasons: China's cognition of Latin America affects Latin America's perception of China in turn; The formation of Latin American history and culture led Latin Americans to take a skeptical and anxious attitude towards all outsiders. The Latin American culture formed in the collision and integration of different cultures was essentially a mixed culture dominated by western culture. The difference between Chinese culture and Chinese culture has become the core source of cognitive bias between China and Latin America. The dominant influence of western media on Latin American media and the relative lag of China's ability to communicate abroad lead to the difficulty of constructing China's image in Latin America. In view of the fact that national image is becoming an important element of national interest, it is urgent to take comprehensive measures to enhance China's image in Latin America.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院拉美研究所综合理论研究室;中国社会科学院阿根廷研究中心;


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