本文选题:浚县 切入点:古庙会 出处:《华中师范大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:改革开放以来,古庙会在不少地方得到了政府的扶持性发展,像山东泰山庙会、河南淮阳庙会和浚县古庙会,这些庙会从发展规模上来看目前都是历史之最,已成为当地经济发展一个重要的经济增长点。 笔者自幼生活在浚县农村,对浚县古庙会的成长发展颇为熟悉。浚县这个内陆农业人口大县的经济增速,与流传下来的千年古庙会有着密不可分的联系。因为古庙会的带动,浚县正从一贯的纯农业生产逐渐转向旅游业、手工业,游客在古庙会观社火、吃石子馍、买泥咕咕和选购古庙会上的特色产品,正在成为千年古庙会推出浚县经济发展的新动力。本文尝试结合浚县古庙会的规模及发展对本地经济的直接和间接关系进行分析和研究,以期为更好地传承浚县古庙会和发展浚县经济提出对策。 近年来,一些学者相继对浚县的古庙会进行论述和研究,像任志强的《浚县正月古庙会调查》、鹤壁日报记者解敬怡的《浚县正月古庙会,民俗文化的盛典》等,都是基于千年古庙会的历史积淀而论,结合当地经济发展进行研究的则很少。本文尝试根据当地历年《政府工作报告》披露的数据,结合实地调研,来分析浚县古庙会发展及其在浚县经济发展布局中的位置及积极作用。实论证明:古庙会的发展确实改变了浚县单一的农业生产局面,已经在旅游业开发和工业化进程中迈出了坚实的一步,着实影响着当地居民的经济收入。 本文分为三个部分:第一,浚县古庙会的起源及概况,详细介绍浚县古庙会的由来;第二,古庙会与当地经济发展的关系,其中着重探讨当地名吃“石子馍”的发展以及手工艺品“泥咕咕”、“柳编”、石刻工艺等与古庙会发展的相互依存关系;第三,古庙会与当地经济发展的现状及进一步促进与当地经济发展关系的思考,关注如何加大对风景区的开发和对历史遗存古建筑的修缮保护,从而促使古庙会持续壮大发展。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, ancient temple fairs have received support from the government in many places. For example, temple fairs in Mount Tai in Shandong, Huaiyang Temple Fair in Henan Province and ancient temple fair in Junxian County are now the largest in history in terms of their scale of development. Has become the local economic development an important economic growth point. I have been living in the countryside of Junxian since childhood, and I am quite familiar with the growth and development of ancient temple fairs in Junxian County. The economic growth rate of Junxian County, a large inland agricultural county with a large population, is inextricably linked to the surviving Millennium Ancient Temple Fair, because of the drive of the ancient temple fair. Junxian is gradually shifting from pure agricultural production to tourism, handicraft industry, tourists watching the fire at ancient temple fairs, eating steamed buns, buying mud cooks, and picking up the special products of ancient temple fairs. This paper attempts to analyze and study the direct and indirect relationship between the scale and development of the ancient temple fair in Junxian County. In order to better inherit Junxian ancient temple fair and develop Junxian economy countermeasures. In recent years, some scholars have successively discussed and studied ancient temple fairs in Junxian, such as Ren Zhiqiang's "investigation of the Ancient Temple Fair in Junxian on the first month," Hebi Daily reporter Xie Jingyi's "Ancient Temple Fair of the first Moon in Junxian," and so on. Both are based on the historical accumulation of the Millennium Ancient Temple Fair, but few have been studied in the light of the local economic development. This paper attempts to combine field research with the data disclosed by the local government work report over the years. To analyze the development of ancient temple fairs in Junxian and their position and positive role in the layout of economic development in Junxian. The actual theory proves that the development of ancient temple fairs has indeed changed the single agricultural production situation in Junxian. It has taken a solid step in the process of tourism development and industrialization, affecting the economic income of local residents. This paper is divided into three parts: first, the origin and general situation of the ancient temple fair in Junxian County, the origin of the ancient temple fair in Junxian County, and the relationship between the ancient temple fair and the local economic development. Among them, it focuses on the development of local famous "stone bun" and the interdependence of handicrafts, such as "mud cooing", "willow weaving" and stone carving technology, with the development of ancient temple fairs. Third, The present situation of the ancient temple fair and the local economic development and the consideration of the relationship between the ancient temple fair and the local economic development, the attention is paid to how to strengthen the development of the scenic spot and the restoration and protection of the historical relics of ancient buildings, so as to promote the sustainable development of the ancient temple fair.
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