本文选题:对外直接投资 切入点:空间效应 出处:《宏观经济研究》2017年08期
[Abstract]:Against a backdrop of weak recovery in the world economy, unilateralism in major developed countries, a rise in anti-globalization tendencies and trade protectionism, and a continued downturn in China's overcapacity and exports of goods, a rational distribution of foreign direct investment (OFDI) is of great significance. "Most of the countries along Belt and Road's route are developing countries, which are the strategic areas of OFDI in the future. However, due to the differences in development level, resource endowment, market potential and opening degree, the regional distribution of China's direct investment has been out of balance for a long time.This is not conducive to achieving the strategic goal of coordinated economic development between China and the countries along Belt and Road.This paper uses the spatial measurement method to test the OFDI reality of China to 55 countries along "Belt and Road", and finds that there exists the spatial agglomeration effect, but the global spatial layout is out of balance, the spatial spillover effect exists, but its potential is not brought into full play.There exists the crowding-out effect of the third country on host country OFDI.On the basis of this, this paper puts forward some measures such as speeding up the construction of industrial parks in the host country, improving the investment environment of the target countries by giving full play to the roles of the AIIB and the Silk Road Fund, and starting negotiations on multilateral trade and investment agreements, so as to bring into play the spatial agglomerationIn order to avoid the extrusion effect of the third country and according to the idea of "multi-point zone, global cooperation", Chinese enterprises should be guided to balance the layout of "Belt and Road" global OFDI, and the countermeasures and suggestions for realizing coordinated development will be put forward.
【作者单位】: 东北财经大学国际经济贸易学院;广州工商学院;东北财经大学研究生院;
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