发布时间:2018-04-06 20:25
本文选题:生态旅游区 切入点:居民幸福感 出处:《中南林业科技大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:当今时代,我国将生态文明建设放在突出地位,融入经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设各方面和全过程,努力建设美丽中国,实现中华民族的永续发展。这已经成为时代主旋律。生态旅游作为一种负责任的、可持续的、带有教育性质的旅游方式,是转变旅游发展形式,提升旅游发展质量的必然选择,因而被越来越多地关注和实践。在急速增长的物质财富面前,民众愈发觉得金钱不是衡量生活状况的唯一标准,发展的归宿是获得幸福。发展生态旅游和居民幸福感之间有着天然的联系。本文试图对提高居民幸福感和旅游支持度的影响因素进行梳理,并确定其影响路径及影响程度的大小。 文中引入结构方程模型(SEM),在前人经验总结之上对居民旅游感知、居民类型、居民旅游参与度、居民旅游支持度和居民幸福感之间的因果关系进行了假设,并以此为基础建立了测量模型。通过模型假设、模型拟合(通过极大似然法,对模型参数进行估计)、模型修复后得到了最终的结构方程模型,并验证了所提出七个假设的真伪.结果显示: (1)对居民幸福感产生影响的潜变量是居民旅游影响感知、居民类型、居民旅游参与度;(2)对旅游支持度产生影响的潜变量是居民类型、居民旅游参与度和居民幸福感;(3)居民类型对旅游参与度没有显著影响,其假设不成立;居民类型对于旅游支持产生的是显著的负向影响;(4)对相同总量的不同样本进行模型拟合,结果显示常德、岳阳两地数据均可以在同一模型中适配,达到各项标准要求。 本文通过数据的对比分析并结合实地调研情况,解释了影响居民幸福感和旅游支持度的因素,并提出了相应的建议。
[Abstract]:Nowadays, our country puts the ecological civilization construction in the prominent position, integrates the economic construction, the political construction, the cultural construction, the social construction each aspect and the entire process, diligently constructs the beautiful China, realizes the Chinese nation sustainable development.This has become the theme of the times.As a kind of responsible, sustainable and educational tourism mode, ecotourism is an inevitable choice to change the form of tourism development and improve the quality of tourism development, so it has been paid more and more attention and practice.In the face of rapidly growing material wealth, people increasingly feel that money is not the only measure of living conditions, and that the end result of development is happiness.There is a natural link between the development of ecotourism and the well-being of residents.This paper attempts to comb the influencing factors of improving residents' well-being and tourism support, and to determine the influence path and the degree of influence.In this paper, a structural equation model is introduced to assume the causal relationship between residents' tourism perception, residents' types, residents' tourism participation, residents' tourism support and residents' well-being on the basis of previous experience.On this basis, the measurement model is established.Through model hypothesis and model fitting (the model parameters are estimated by the maximum likelihood method, the final structural equation model is obtained after the model is repaired, and the validity of the seven hypotheses is verified.The results show that:1) the latent variables that affect the residents' well-being are the perception of the residents' tourism effects, the types of residents, the degree of residents' participation in tourism, and the latent variables that affect the degree of tourism support are the types of residents.(3) the type of residents has no significant influence on tourism participation, but the hypothesis is not true; the type of residents has a significant negative effect on tourism support. (4) the model fitting different samples of the same total amount is carried out.The results show that the data of Changde and Yueyang can be matched in the same model and meet the requirements of various standards.Based on the comparative analysis of data and field investigation, this paper explains the factors that affect residents' well-being and tourism support, and puts forward some corresponding suggestions.
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