本文选题:家庭财富转移动机 + 以房养老 ; 参考:《上海工程技术大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:以房养老作为一种增加养老金来源的渠道,它为“房产富人,现金穷人”提供了一个将身后房产余值在身前变现的途径,使老人晚年生活质量得以提高,并减轻了孩子的经济赡养压力。以房养老作为西方舶来之物,在中国屡次试水(2005年南京汤山“温泉留园”、2007年上海住房公积金中心的“以房自助养老”和北京“养老房屋银行”),但是由于种种原因并没有得以在我国继续推行。 众多学者在研究中都指出阻碍以房养老在中国成功推行的主要原因是它挑战了我国传统的遗产继承观念。我国传统的“遗产继承、养儿防老”思想的根深蒂固,,大多数家庭具有很强的遗产动机,即家庭财富转移动机以交换动机和利他动机为主。本文认为遗产动机主要包括利己动机,交换动机和利他动机,不同动机对家庭财富的分配将产生不同的影响。 以房养老形式不仅仅局限于住房逆抵押贷款,本文将以房养老划分为“产权变更”和“产权不变更”两种形式,产权变更主要包括售房入住养老院、住房逆抵押贷款;产权不变更主要包括售出大房买小房、租出大房换小房、租房入住养老院,其中产权变更的以房养老形式一次性获得的现金最多。对于大多数家庭来说,房产已经成为其主要的财富构成。因此,不同的财富转移动机对以房养老的方式选择存在差异。 本文以上海市居民为主要调查对象,从上海,江苏等地随机抽取725位居民进行访问式调查,以家庭财富转移动机对以房养老选择影响为分析视角,将个人基本情况划分为性别、年龄、受教育程度、户籍状况、家庭月平均收入五个方面,并从这五个维度出发,借用李克特量表分析方法和Logistical回归分析方法,首先具体阐明在不同群体中存在的财富转移动机与选择的以房养老形式并分析比较差异,进而对家庭财富转移动机的影响因素进行论证。在此基础上,具体阐明不同家庭财富转移动机对以房养老形式的影响。研究结果显示,利己动机的被调查者愿意选择的以房养老形式是住房逆抵押贷款和将房屋售出入住养老院;交换动机更愿意选择售出大房换小房和租出大房换小房;利他动机则是选择租出房屋入住养老院。最后,针对上述研究结果,提出在我国推行以房养老的建议及对策。
[Abstract]:As a way to increase the source of pension, housing pension provides a way for the "rich property, poor cash" to realize the surplus value of the property in front of them, so that the quality of life of the old people can be improved in their later years. And reduced the child's financial support pressure. Taking housing for the aged as something imported from the West, In China, water has been repeatedly tested (Nanjing Tangshan "Hot Spring Garden" in 2005, Shanghai Housing Provident Fund Center's "self-supporting for the aged" in 2007 and Beijing "old-age housing bank"), but it has not been carried out in China for various reasons. Many scholars have pointed out that the main reason that hinders the successful implementation of housing for the aged in China is that it challenges the traditional concept of inheritance in China. The traditional thought of "inheritance, raising children and protecting old people" is deeply rooted in our country. Most families have strong inheritance motivation, that is, family wealth transfer motivation is mainly exchange motivation and altruistic motivation. This paper holds that inheritance motivation mainly includes self-interest motivation, exchange motivation and altruistic motivation, and different motivations will have different effects on the distribution of family wealth. The form of housing endowment is not limited to the housing reverse mortgage loan. This paper divides the housing endowment into two forms: "property right change" and "property right does not change". The change of property right mainly includes the residence in nursing home and the reverse mortgage loan. The property right does not change mainly including selling large houses to buy small houses, renting out large houses for small houses, renting into nursing homes, in which property rights change in the form of one-off cash in the form of housing for the aged. For most families, property has become a major component of their wealth. Therefore, there are differences between different motives of wealth transfer and the choice of housing for the aged. Based on the survey of Shanghai residents, 725 residents were randomly selected from Shanghai, Jiangsu and other places to conduct an interview survey. From the perspective of the influence of family wealth transfer motivation on the choice of housing for the aged, the author divided the basic situation of individual into sex. Age, education level, household registration status, average monthly income of the family, and from these five dimensions, using the analysis method of Richter scale and Logistical regression analysis, First of all, it clarifies the wealth transfer motivation in different groups and analyzes and compares the difference between the choice of the housing pension form and the wealth transfer motivation in different groups, and then demonstrates the influencing factors of the family wealth transfer motivation. On this basis, the influence of different family wealth transfer motivation on the form of housing pension is expounded. The results show that the self-interested respondents are willing to choose the form of housing for the aged in the form of reverse mortgage and the sale of housing into nursing homes, the exchange motivation is more willing to choose to sell large houses for small houses and rent out large houses for small houses. Altruism is motivated by the option of renting out homes for nursing homes. Finally, in view of the above research result, puts forward the suggestion and the countermeasure to carry out the housing endowment in our country.
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