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发布时间:2018-05-15 10:53

  本文选题:生态全要素生产率 + 索洛余值法 ; 参考:《四川农业大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the increase of haze weather and the rapid growth of China's economy, the ecological environment is becoming more and more serious. In order to study the economic growth after deducting the environmental pollution, and to explore the determinants of the construction of ecological civilization, and to find the basis of the policy of energy saving and low carbon environmental protection, this paper constructs a deduction of the ecological ring. The calculation framework of green total factor productivity - ecological total factor productivity - two parts of Sichuan ecological total factor productivity growth model and decomposition model, the former uses the solo residual method and the latter uses the variance contribution method. Based on the above calculation framework, the collected macros are used in this paper. The view data calculated the growth of ecological total factor productivity in Sichuan. The time series was used to decompose the ecological total factor productivity of Sichuan, and the regional data was used to decompose the ecological total factor productivity of Sichuan. The results showed that: (1) the Kuznets curve of the environmental development of Sichuan was directly forced down. The economic growth of Sichuan has experienced two stages: "first pollution" and "post governance". The growth of Sichuan ecological total factor productivity (TFP) and the positive critical point appeared in 2009. Before this critical point, the ecological total factor productivity of Sichuan was negative growth, and the total output of higher than 5.70% at the expense of the ecological environment was changed. In addition, the annual average output growth rate is 0.15%, the model of economic development is more extensive and the pollution of excess emission in the production process is accumulated year by year. After the low level of sustainable development, the ecological total factor productivity of Sichuan has become positive growth, and the growth rate has continued to increase, because of clean energy and efficient technology in the production process. The total output of the ecological environment is increased by 46.09% per year, the economic development model of Sichuan has gradually become more intensive and the degree of sustainable development gradually rebounded. (2) the ecological total factor productivity of the two yuan economic structure of Sichuan is different. The ecological total factor productivity of the non agricultural economic sector in Sichuan The difference between the agricultural sector and the agricultural sector is nearly 10 times, the energy used by the non agricultural sector is cleaner and the technology used is more effective. The analysis shows that the human efficiency is the main reason for the opening of the gap, followed by the ecological environment consumption of capital efficiency and unit capital respectively. (3) the growth of the ecological total factor production rate leads to the growth rate of Sichuan economy in 2010. Beginning to slow down. From 1993 to 2010, although there were two small fluctuations in 1995 and 2009, the overall growth rate of total output showed a tendency to increase year by year and peak in 2010. Since 2010, Sichuan's ecological total factor productivity accelerated, leading to total output growth rate. The year drastically reduced to less than 8% in 2013. (4) the input factor structure of the production activities of Sichuan ecological total factor productivity needs to be further optimized. At present, the total output of Sichuan is still at the expense of the ecological environment at the expense of the total output of 5%, so the input factor structure has the space to continue to optimize and continue to improve the human capital and the human capital. The contribution of substantive capital to the total output, the introduction of zero emission technology, the promotion of zero pollution activities and the minimized consumption of the ecological environment to achieve the dual ecological and effective purpose of production and consumption. On the basis of the analysis, this paper puts forward some suggestions on improving the total factor productivity of Sichuan's ecology: Sichuan should continue to implement energy conservation. The policy of reducing emission should continue to expand the proportion of service industries. We should coordinate the development of green ecological economy. We should specifically deploy low carbon environmental protection work. We should improve the efficiency of rural human resources and increase the intensity of international cooperation and exchange.



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