本文选题:供给侧结构性改革 + 去产能 ; 参考:《西安财经学院学报》2017年06期
[Abstract]:In the face of the failure of demand management, the "troika" is becoming increasingly weak; the industrial structure is out of balance and the market is badly mismatched between supply and demand; the traditional dividend is gone, the new momentum of economic growth is not strong, the ecological constraints are tightening, and the sustainable development is obvious. Shaanxi Province needs to promote structural reform on the supply side. The supply-side structural reform is the inevitable choice to adapt and lead the new normal of Shaanxi economy, is the core strategy to cross the "middle income trap" and realize the leapfrog development, and is the docking "Belt and Road" strategy. Shaanxi economic development to achieve a new pattern of inevitable requirements. In the supply-side structural reform of Shaanxi Province, we should cultivate new economic growth points, effectively resolve overcapacity, and implement the four methods of "adding, reducing, multiplying and dividing" to drive innovation and deepen the reform of government functions. The supply-side structural reform in Shaanxi Province should deal with six core relationships: government and market, demand-side and supply-side, international and domestic, short-term and long-term, public economy and non-public economy, real economy and finance.
【作者单位】: 陕西师范大学西北历史环境与经济社会发展研究院;
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