本文选题:中国核电“走出去” + “一带一路” ; 参考:《河北经贸大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In 2013, the State Energy Administration announced the "implementation Program of the coordinated Mechanism for the Scientific Development of Nuclear Power Enterprises", which mentioned: to enhance the core competitiveness of the nuclear power industry, strengthen the organization and leadership of nuclear power exports, and focus on the objectives in accordance with the "unified thinking," The principle of integrating resources and forming a resultant force will support enterprises to participate in international project competition by means of engineering construction, equipment manufacturing, technical support and national bank loans, so as to continuously improve the overall level and international competitiveness of nuclear power in China. This indicates that nuclear power "going out" has become a national strategy, and the party and state leaders are fully aware of the significance and importance of nuclear power "going out". Prime Minister Li Keqiang has personally sold China's nuclear power technology and equipment many times in the world. All parties in the country have indicated that they should actively promote the foreign cooperation of nuclear power industry, and the nuclear power industry of our country has ushered in the best opportunity of "going out". With the development of the world economy, the global demand for power resources is also increasing. More and more countries along the "Belt and Road" plan to develop nuclear power, which provides a good opportunity for China's nuclear power industry to "go out". China began to develop nuclear power technology only later, and has less experience in foreign cooperation, and is still at a disadvantage in international competition. Under the background of "Belt and Road" strategy, what kind of foreign cooperation strategy should be studied and solved. The countries along the route of "Belt and Road" are the main target areas for the export of nuclear power industry in China. Based on the in-depth analysis of the internal and external environment and advantages and disadvantages of the nuclear power industry in China, The strategic system of cooperation between China's nuclear power industry and "Belt and Road" countries is constructed. Firstly, the paper analyzes the present situation of nuclear power industry in China, expounds the development process and technical route of nuclear power industry in China, reviews the practical achievements of foreign cooperation in nuclear power industry in China. This paper analyzes the external environment of the cooperation between China's nuclear and electrical industry and countries along "Belt and Road" through SWOT, probes into the opportunities and challenges brought by "Belt and Road", and then, aiming at the relevant policies and regulations in the field of nuclear power cooperation, Finally, focusing on the significance, content and problems in practice, the paper summarizes the strategic contents of the cooperation between China's nuclear and electrical industry and "Belt and Road" countries, and determines the near future. This paper analyzes and explains the strategic purpose and implementation mode of bilateral cooperation in nuclear power field in the medium and long term strategic objectives, and proposes to expand the cooperation with "Belt and Road" countries through two ways of trade and investment. Finally, specific countermeasures and suggestions are put forward for the implementation of the national cooperation strategy between China's nuclear power industry and "Belt and Road".
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