本文选题:次约束 + 综合评价 ; 参考:《管理科学学报》2017年10期
[Abstract]:Most of the comprehensive evaluation studies only solve the problem of ranking the evaluation results, and can not give the specific factors that affect the specific evaluation results of the specific evaluation object. The sub-constraint comprehensive evaluation model opens up the idea of the key factors influencing the evaluation object of extraction, but the deficiency of the existing sub-constraint research is also obvious. Replace one indicator data with the lowest value 0, that is, if the contribution of the indicator is removed, the evaluation score may instead be higher than the score when the indicator score is not zero. This is the unreasonable phenomenon that the evaluation score of "complete index system" is less than that of "one or more indexes' contribution to score is removed". The innovation and characteristic of this paper is to improve the existing sub-constraint model by keeping the weights of the indexes in the index system with n indexes and the index system of n-1 indexes unchanged before and after the evaluation. The evaluation score of "complete index system" is less than that of "one or more indexes' contribution to score is removed". Second, by improving the evaluation criteria, when evaluating different objects and extracting their advantages and disadvantages, the standard of whether the ranking of the scores of one index is changed before and after the index is turned into zero is improved to the standard of comparing the magnitude of the change of the score. It avoids the disadvantage of unextractable advantages and disadvantages caused by the unchanging order relation of the former and the latter two evaluation scores. Thirdly, the key factors, advantages and disadvantages of influencing the economic and social development of sub-provincial cities were extracted by comparing the change of score of one index to zero before and two times after evaluation.
【作者单位】: 大连理工大学管理与经济学部;
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