本文选题:蒙古国 + 经济管理体制 ; 参考:《延边大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:蒙古国作为一个内陆国家,苏联解体后期望将本国经济与国际市场接轨,尤其是在东北亚区域经济合作关系当中,通过发挥自身的资源优势,开展东北亚各国之间的互补性合作和交流,从而为其经济振兴注入强劲的动力。为了东北亚区域合作开发,蒙古国采取了积极参与的政策方针。自上世纪九十年代以来,在矿产资源开发、交通建设、跨境旅游、环境保护等方面与其他国家的合作取得了一定的进展。虽然受一些本地区缺乏多边合作制约因素的限制,存在一定的问题,但合作基础慢慢成熟。近几年,东北亚地区良好的经济发展态势促进了蒙古国与东北亚国家的经贸合作和文化交流。蒙古国政府希望在东北亚多边合作机制中不断地提升本国的地位,以增强自己的综合国力和国际地位。 在过去的二十年中,有越来越多的机构和专家致力于研究前苏联的经济转型。而曾经与苏联有着密切联系的蒙古国的经济转型过程,在很大程度上被世人所忽视。本文通过研究蒙古经济转型过程,试图填补这一领域的空白。第一部分介绍了研究背景和意义以及国内外关于经济转型的研究状况。第二部分对经济转型的相关理论进行概述,为蒙古国经济转型奠定理论基础。第三部分通过研究前苏联的经济转型,为蒙古国的经济转型提供参考依据。第四部分在研究蒙古国经济转型的历史变迁的基础上,探讨蒙古国经济转型的现状,进而提出蒙古国经济转型中存在的问题。第五部分在上述研究的基础上,提出促进蒙古国经济转型的对策建议。
[Abstract]:Mongolia, as a landlocked country, hopes to integrate its economy with the international market after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, especially in the regional economic cooperation relations in Northeast Asia, by taking advantage of its own resources. To carry out complementary cooperation and exchange among Northeast Asian countries, thus infusing strong impetus into their economic revitalization. Mongolia has adopted a policy approach of active participation in the development of regional cooperation in Northeast Asia. Since the 1990s, cooperation with other countries in mineral resources development, transportation construction, cross-border tourism, environmental protection has made some progress. Although limited by the lack of multilateral cooperation in some regions, there are some problems, but the foundation of cooperation is gradually maturing. In recent years, the favorable economic development situation in Northeast Asia has promoted the economic and trade cooperation and cultural exchange between Mongolia and Northeast Asian countries. The Mongolian government hopes to continuously enhance its status in the multilateral cooperation mechanism in Northeast Asia in order to enhance its comprehensive national strength and international status. Over the past two decades, more and more institutions and experts have worked on the economic transformation of the former Soviet Union. Mongolia, once closely associated with the Soviet Union, was largely ignored by the world. By studying the process of Mongolian economic transformation, this paper tries to fill the gap in this field. The first part introduces the research background and significance as well as the domestic and foreign research on economic transformation. The second part summarizes the relevant theories of economic transformation and lays a theoretical foundation for Mongolian economic transformation. The third part studies the economic transition of the former Soviet Union and provides reference for the economic transformation of Mongolia. On the basis of studying the historical changes of Mongolia's economic transformation, the fourth part discusses the present situation of Mongolia's economic transformation, and then puts forward the problems existing in Mongolian's economic transformation. On the basis of the above research, the fifth part puts forward countermeasures and suggestions to promote the economic transformation of Mongolia.
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