本文选题:跨国公司 + 内部化 ; 参考:《山西大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The concept of the middle-income trap was first put forward by the World Bank in the East Asian Economic Biannual report published in 2006, meaning that some countries have entered the middle stage of their per capita national income, even though the economy has developed over a long period of time. Per capita national income is still very difficult to enter the high income stage. They have widespread problems: rising domestic labour costs, inability to compete with low-income countries in wages, and difficulties in competing with advanced developed countries because of inadequate technological innovation. Countries with a per capita GDP of less than $900 are called "low-income countries"; countries with a GDP per capita of $900 to $3500 are called "low- and middle-income countries"; those with a GDP of between $3500 and $11000 per capita, Called "high school income countries" 1. In 2009, China's per capita national income amounted to $3750, which has been ranked among the middle income countries. However, the gap between the rich and the poor is too large, the problem of corruption and bribery is breeding, the development of urban and rural areas is out of balance, the environment is polluted, the distribution of public service resources and the distribution of unequal social problems exist. There is a strong similarity with the typical middle-income trap countries in Latin America, and it is possible to fall into the middle-income trap. Studying the causes of middle income trap and finding ways to avoid it can effectively guarantee the sustainability and stability of China's economic development. According to the traditional theory of industrial organization, the market behavior of different market components will have different effects on market performance. This paper studies the impact of transnational corporations on the economy of middle-income trap countries from the perspective of industrial organization theory. It is believed that the economy of Latin America and other typical trap countries has been stagnant for a long time because of the industries that dominate the lifeblood of their national economy, and the market structure of which is mainly composed of large multinational corporations, and the Latin American countries are in the process of liberalization. Through cross-border mergers and acquisitions, foreign enterprises have rapidly occupied the Latin American market, formed an oligopolistic market structure in the finance, automobile and telecommunications industries, and transferred the profits of enterprises through transfer pricing, procurement of intermediate goods, and setting up technical barriers, etc. As a result, the income gap in Latin American countries worsened, the technological gap and the country's trade deficit continued to expand, which ultimately affected its capital accumulation, which in turn had insufficient impetus for economic development, a high degree of dependence on foreign capital, and a low annual economic growth rate. Per capita disposable income gap is large, consumption contribution to economic growth is difficult to play a role, and finally fall into the middle income trap. Based on the experience and lessons of Latin American countries, this paper holds that China should start with standardizing the supervision and inspection of foreign M & A, supporting local enterprises, improving comprehensive competitiveness and perfecting social security in order to avoid the middle-income trap.
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