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发布时间:2018-07-18 09:41
【摘要】:随着知识经济和经济全球化的深入发展,商标在经济社会发展中的拉动作用越来越突出,已经成为各类市场主体彰显企业商誉、维持竞争优势、提高经济效益的重要手段。大力实施商标战略,有效利用商标资源,有利于推进地区经济发展方式转变和经济结构调整,从而促进地方经济实现持续跨越式发展。 本文从商标、商标战略及其相关概念的研究入手,对陕西实施商标战略的现状、意义、优势、劣势及实施商标战略对本省经济竞争力的提升作用进行了详尽的分析。明确提出了必须以商标战略助推本省经济发展的思路,以实证说明了实施商标战略对提升陕西省的经济竞争力有着巨大的推动作用。从发挥政府主导、进行科学规划、加大立法保护和政策扶持力度,以及增强企业运用和防御意识、营造商标运用和保护氛围等角度,分析了当前陕西商标战略的实施状况。本文系统地提出了实施商标战略需要遵循的方法和步骤,运用法学、管理学、经济学等知识明确了实施商标战略的四个要素,并通过查阅文献资料、进行实例调研等手段进行了相关实证研究,得出了符合客观实际的结论。 本文经研究分析认为发展商标战略必须从国家角度、政府角度、企业层面形成发展合力,统一思路和做法。商标战略的实施还要系统化,,按步骤进行,而且要利用好陕西的历史优势、资源优势、旅游优势、文化优势,并把这些优势转变为品牌优势和市场竞争优势,打造、培育出地方主导产业,立足这些优势走符合自身、实际、特色的发展之路。
[Abstract]:With the deep development of knowledge economy and economic globalization, the role of trademark in economic and social development is becoming more and more prominent, which has become an important means for all kinds of market bodies to highlight business goodwill, maintain competitive advantages and improve economic benefits. Transformation of modes and adjustment of economic structure will promote local economy to achieve continuous leaping development.
This paper, starting with the study of trademark, trademark strategy and its related concepts, makes a detailed analysis of the status, significance, advantages, disadvantages and the implementation of the trademark strategy for the promotion of the economic competitiveness of the province in Shaanxi, and puts forward the idea that the economic development of the province must be promoted by the trademark strategy, and the implementation is demonstrated by the demonstration. Trademark strategy plays a great role in promoting the economic competitiveness of Shaanxi province. From the perspectives of government leading, scientific planning, increasing legislative protection and policy support, strengthening enterprise application and defense awareness, creating trademark application and protecting atmosphere, this paper analyzes the current status of the implementation of trademark strategy in Shaanxi. The methods and steps should be followed in the implementation of the trademark strategy. The four elements of the implementation of the trademark strategy are clarified with the knowledge of law, management and economics, and the empirical research is carried out by means of literature and case study, and the conclusion is drawn to conform to the objective reality.
According to the research and analysis, it is believed that the development of trademark strategy must be from the national angle, the government angle and the enterprise level to form the development joint force and the unified thought and practice. The implementation of the trademark strategy should be systematized, carried out according to the steps, and should make good use of the historical advantages of Shaanxi, the advantage of resources, the advantage of tourism and the cultural advantage, and turn these advantages into brand. Advantage and market competitive advantage, create and develop local leading industries. Based on these advantages, we should follow the road of development with their own reality and characteristics.


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