发布时间:2018-07-21 17:17
【摘要】:以自由看待发展是本文对待发展的基本态度,从制度的角度辨析我国的经济的兴衰是本文对待发展问题的切入点,不同于制度的约束观、物品观,本文采用制度的自由观是本文研究发展问题的一大特色。制度的自由观体现在:制度是理性人的自由边界的公共认可,自由度落差是制度变迁的最原始动力。 本文从制度的视角从正反两方面对我国的经济发展方式展开研究,并提出针对性的政策建议。经济发展方式的概念内涵要大于经济增长,我国经济快速增长30多年,创造了所谓的“中国奇迹”,以至于近几年来引起了国内外对“中国模式”的广泛兴趣以及激烈的争论。但经济增长的成功不一定是经济发展方式的最终肯定,我国的高增长背负着沉重的社会代价,资源环境破坏严重、贪污腐败高居不下、两极分化令人担心、道德滑坡明显等等。我国高增长的荣光背后问题和困难丛生,随着2008年次级债危机和欧债危机的爆发,外需不足,内需不振,经济社会矛盾日趋凸显甚至白热化。本文并不是仅仅从经济的角度解释我国经济的增长问题,而是要从制度的角度在更全面更系统地解释我国的经济社会问题,也就是经济发展方式问题。在经济发展方式的分析中,我们既要能解释和概括我国高增长的原因机理,同时要能指出所有其它社会问题与它的内在联系,更重要的是我们要思考为什么同样的经济发展战略如今却遭遇巨大的困难,它的未来走向又将如何?换言之,本文的任务就是要在一个理论框架中解释我国经济发展所取得的成就和遭遇的瓶颈及其原因,以便对我国现有的制度安排所带来的得与失、优点与不足以及现在与未来之间的逻辑关系进行解释,为经济的进一步可持续健康发展提供全面、清晰、针对性强的政策建议。这正是本文的研究重点和分析思路。本文的选题除了我国经济发展方式出现明显的历史性拐点这一时间因素之外,国外经济理论包括制度经济学理论对我国经济现象的解释上的贫乏也促使作者有探讨这一问题的想法,关于我国经济发展前景的“唱好”与“唱衰”的截然相反的论调和激烈的理论交锋也使得笔者不得不进行深入的思考。 如何解读中国经济?从什么样的角度解释中国经济?在遍阅各种理论和各种经济观点的基础上,笔者从更一般的角度展开分析,结论认为,中国的经济问题根本上是制度问题。那么为什么西方新制度经济学在对我国经济的解释上却并不能得出令人满意的答案呢?这就涉及到理论本身的问题。在制度理论的思考中,笔者认为西方制度理论始终是从微观的效率角度展开分析,“制度—激励—效率”是制度经济学的基本分析思路。但是我国在产权不清、潜规则盛行、交易成本巨大、人情关系浓厚等等诸多制度缺失的情况,经济增长却获得了举世瞩目的成就,而且是前所未有。正因为如此,西方制度理论显得水土不符。为了解决这一问题,笔者将制度概念从人与人的关系的视域中转换到人与物的关系的视域中展开研究。之所以要进行这种理论转换,在于要在制度分析当中引入自由概念,而引入自由概念的目的在于要实现以自由看待发展。阿马蒂亚.森(1998)在其专著《以自由看待发展》的导论中第一段就开宗明义提出全书的出发点“本书论证,发展可以看作是扩展人们享有的真实自由的一个过程。聚焦于人类自由的发展观与更狭隘的发展观形成了鲜明的对照。狭隘的发展观包括发展就是国民生产总值增长、个人收入提高、工业化、技术进步或社会现代化等等的观点。”森旨在说明财富、收入、技术进步、社会现代化等等固然可以是人们追求的目标,但它们最终只属于工具性的范畴,是为人的发展、人的福利服务的。森认为,以人为中心,最高的价值标准就是自由。作者在对自由概念的不断深入追索和思考中,发现自由并不是外在于制度概念,而恰恰是制度概念的内在因素和制度变迁的内因。现实的人追求现实的自由,同样的条件追求同等的自由是客观事实。这样一种人类的不竭动力如何融入到制度分析中正是本文理论探索的焦点。从制度变迁的原动力的分析中,看到了制度变迁的两种维度以及其内在联系,这就是新制度理论和马克思制度理论所体现出来的两种角度。研究发现,对于后发国家,也就是距离科技前沿比较远的国家,马克思的制度理论维度对于分析经济发展问题更为合适,而对于处于科技前沿的国家,新制度理论在解释上更为合适。需要指出的是,马克思的制度理论维度并不是马克思的制度理论本身,仅仅是从物对人的制约关系的角度考查制度问题。 本文的理论创新,主要体现在制度变迁的原动力的相关论证方面。具体而言,在制度概念的视域变换中,从人对物的相对独立性论证了人的自由度饥渴,人类的理性和欲望的无限性决定人的无限否定性,从而构成经济社会发展的原动力,而自由度落差的客观存在构成了制度变迁的原动力。在这样一种制度原动力的分析框架中,能很好的统一两种制度理论。这样一方面有助于前面解读我国的经济问题,另一方面能够弥合两种制度理论的对立和隔阂,同时一定程度上充实了马克思制度理论总体性的特点背后的微观基础。这正是本文研究的理论意义所在。另一方面的创新是对我国经济发展模式解读方面的创新。通过理论运用人与物关系中的制度框架,对我国经济发展的正反两方面进行了全面解读,指出了我国经济增长取得成功的四大条件:先决条件、内在条件、外在条件和物质条件,以及四大条件发挥作用的原因过程。另外,在对自由思想全面梳理的基础上,提出了对自由进行度量的新方法,并就经济发展与自由之间的关系结合我国改革开放以来的历史数据进行了实证检验。最后,从我国经济发展的得失正反两方面的分析中,给出了五条政策建议:市场经济去行政化,彻底转变政府经济角色;重新认识经济发展动力,改变政策着力方向;改革收入分配体系,建立促公平长效机制;深化文化改革,培育社会的道德自觉和崇尚创新的时代精神;以自由看待发展,走可持续发展道路。
[Abstract]:Viewing development in a free view is the basic attitude towards the development of this article . From the point of view of the system , the author points out that the prosperity and decline of our economy is the point of view of the development problem , which is different from that of the system . The freedom view of the system is a great feature of the research and development of this article . The freedom view of the system is embodied in that : the system is the public recognition of the free boundary of the rational person , and the freedom of freedom is the most primitive power of the system change .
From the perspective of the system , this paper studies the way of economic development in our country and puts forward the policy suggestion . The concept of economic development is more than the economic growth . The economic growth is not necessarily the final affirmation of China ' s economic development . In other words , we should think about why the same economic development strategy has been confronted with great difficulty . In other words , we should think about why the same economic development strategy is now confronted with great difficulty . In the analysis of the economic development mode , we should consider why the same economic development strategy is now confronted with great difficulty . In the analysis of the economic development mode , we should think about why the same economic development strategy is now confronted with great difficulty .
How to interpret China ' s economy ? What kind of angle explains the Chinese economy ? On the basis of reading all kinds of theories and various economic perspectives , the author thinks that the economic problems of China are the basic analysis methods of the system economics .
On the other hand , the author points out the four conditions of the economic development in China : the precondition , the inner condition , the external condition and the material condition , and the historical data of the four conditions .
Re - understand the power of economic development and change the direction of policy force ;
The reform of income distribution system and the establishment of a fair and long - term mechanism ;
To deepen the cultural reform , cultivate the moral consciousness of the society and the spirit of the spirit of the spirit of innovation ;
Take a free view of development and follow the path of sustainable development .
[Abstract]:Viewing development in a free view is the basic attitude towards the development of this article . From the point of view of the system , the author points out that the prosperity and decline of our economy is the point of view of the development problem , which is different from that of the system . The freedom view of the system is a great feature of the research and development of this article . The freedom view of the system is embodied in that : the system is the public recognition of the free boundary of the rational person , and the freedom of freedom is the most primitive power of the system change .
From the perspective of the system , this paper studies the way of economic development in our country and puts forward the policy suggestion . The concept of economic development is more than the economic growth . The economic growth is not necessarily the final affirmation of China ' s economic development . In other words , we should think about why the same economic development strategy has been confronted with great difficulty . In other words , we should think about why the same economic development strategy is now confronted with great difficulty . In the analysis of the economic development mode , we should consider why the same economic development strategy is now confronted with great difficulty . In the analysis of the economic development mode , we should think about why the same economic development strategy is now confronted with great difficulty .
How to interpret China ' s economy ? What kind of angle explains the Chinese economy ? On the basis of reading all kinds of theories and various economic perspectives , the author thinks that the economic problems of China are the basic analysis methods of the system economics .
On the other hand , the author points out the four conditions of the economic development in China : the precondition , the inner condition , the external condition and the material condition , and the historical data of the four conditions .
Re - understand the power of economic development and change the direction of policy force ;
The reform of income distribution system and the establishment of a fair and long - term mechanism ;
To deepen the cultural reform , cultivate the moral consciousness of the society and the spirit of the spirit of the spirit of innovation ;
Take a free view of development and follow the path of sustainable development .
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