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发布时间:2018-08-09 10:36
【摘要】:我国人口多,是一个劳动力资源丰富的国家。但是近年来我国老龄化人口加剧、劳动力成本上升、原材料价格上涨以及沿海地区“用工荒”现象的出现,我国劳动密集型产业的比较优势受到了挑战,我们必须深入了解劳动力密集型产业比较优势的变化情况,积极采取应对措施,避免陷入“比较优势的陷阱”。 本文在阐述比较优势相关理论的基础上,应用两个指数即显示性对称比较优势指数(RSCA)和贸易竞争力指数(TC)对我国劳动密集型产业比较优势变化情况进行研究;接着研究我国劳动密集型产业比较优势的影响因素,本文选取1995-2011年的年度数据,通过偏最小二乘法(PLS),,利用SIMCA-P软件研究汇率、劳动成本、外商直接投资、人力资本和教育支出对我国劳动密集型产业比较优势的影响情况;最后从出口结构、鞋业禁限物质的安全替代品、产业转移、工资、人力资本、教育、汇率和外商直接投资8个方面提出政策建议。 研究表明:我国大部分劳动密集型产品仍然保持比较优势,具有较强比较优势的劳动密集型产品达到一半以上,但是其比较优势出现弱化趋势,其中SITC8的比较优势优于SITC6的比较优势。PLS回归结果表明人民币实际有效汇率、外商直接投资与我国劳动密集型产业比较优势呈正相关,劳动成本、人力资本和教育支出与其呈负相关。根据现状和实证结果,本文认为政府和企业应该从8个方面提高我国劳动密集型产业的比较优势:优化出口商品结构;研发鞋业禁限物质的安全替代品;向中西部和非洲地区转移,继续发展劳动密集型产业;适度提高工资水平;重视人力资本,提高劳动者素质;重视教育;规避汇率风险;高质量利用外资。
[Abstract]:Our country has a large population and is a country with abundant labor resources. However, in recent years, the aging population in China has intensified, the labor cost has risen, the price of raw materials has risen, and the phenomenon of "labor shortage" in coastal areas has emerged. The comparative advantage of labor-intensive industries in China has been challenged. We must deeply understand the changes of comparative advantage in labor-intensive industries and take active measures to avoid falling into the trap of comparative advantage. Based on the relative theory of comparative advantage, this paper studies the changes of comparative advantage of labor-intensive industries in China by using two indexes, namely, (RSCA) and (TC). Then the paper studies the influencing factors of comparative advantage of labor-intensive industries in China. This paper selects the annual data from 1995 to 2011, and uses SIMCA-P software to study the exchange rate, labor cost, foreign direct investment through partial least square method (PLS),. The impact of human capital and education expenditure on the comparative advantage of labor-intensive industries in China; finally, from the export structure, safe substitutes for prohibited substances in the footwear industry, industrial transfer, wages, human capital, education, Exchange rate and foreign direct investment in 8 aspects of policy recommendations. The research shows that most labor-intensive products in China still maintain comparative advantage, and the labor-intensive products with strong comparative advantage reach more than half, but their comparative advantage tends to weaken. The comparative advantage of SITC8 is better than that of SITC6. The result shows that the real effective exchange rate of RMB is higher than that of SITC6. The FDI is positively correlated with the comparative advantage of labor-intensive industries in China. There is a negative correlation between human capital and education expenditure. According to the present situation and empirical results, this paper holds that the government and enterprises should improve the comparative advantages of labor-intensive industries in 8 aspects: optimizing the structure of export commodities, developing safe substitutes for prohibited substances in footwear industry; To transfer to the central and western regions and Africa, to continue to develop labor-intensive industries; to raise wages moderately; to attach importance to human capital and improve the quality of workers; to attach importance to education; to avoid exchange rate risks; and to use foreign capital in high quality.


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