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发布时间:2018-08-11 17:52
[Abstract]:Since the Industrial Revolution, the progress of science and technology has greatly promoted the development of various fields of society while creating brilliant material civilization. The ability of innovation has increasingly become an important embodiment of a country's comprehensive strength. The research on the national innovation system has attracted much attention, and many scholars have made a lot of achievements. But undeniably, most scholars focus on the economic value of innovation. With the continuous development of innovation theory and social practice, people find that the blind pursuit of economic indicators has caused a series of problems such as waste of resources, environmental damage, decline of moral standards, imbalance of social development and so on. Although many countries, including China, have realized the double-edged sword effect of innovation and put forward a lot of solutions, few scholars have set out from the perspective of the most fundamental driving force of human behavior-values. Human behavior is largely influenced by its own values. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the operating mechanism of the national innovation system guided by the values, to unite the national innovation power and to realize the harmonious development of our future society towards the direction of better quality, higher benefit and better structure. First of all, using the research method of analysis and induction, this paper discusses the connotation, operation mechanism and function of the national innovation system, and expounds the concept of value and social value. On the basis of this, the adjustment process of values to behavior is analyzed from two aspects: individual and group. Secondly, from the perspective of value philosophy, this paper redefines the value composition of innovative achievements from four aspects: economic value, cultural value, ecological environmental value and social environmental value. Thirdly, the paper analyzes the operational framework of the national innovation system from three aspects: the elements of the national innovation system, the functional modules and the interaction between the modules. Fourthly, the paper analyzes and demonstrates the three steps of value identification, behavior selection and feedback from the output module to the carrier module in the national innovation system. Furthermore, the paper establishes the operating mechanism of the national innovation system aiming at practicing the socialist core values (hereinafter referred to as the core values). The results show that only under the guidance of the socialist core values, through the guidance of policy and the innovation of the mechanism, can the national innovation system realize the deep cooperation among the innovators. And make its output in the material and spiritual level to meet the socialist core value standard direction. Finally, the paper points out four problems that should be studied and solved in the future.


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