[Abstract]:The coordinated development of regional economy is one of the important strategies being implemented in our country under the new normal condition, and the inter-provincial border region is a special region with little influence from the central city and relatively backward economic development. At the same time, it is different from other regions in geographical proximity and cultural identity, which makes it the focal point and difficulty of regional economic coordinated development. Multi-dimensional proximity is the newest angle of view to study the development of regional (innovation), and it is often instructive to study the development of regional economy (innovation). In view of this, this paper tries to analyze the influence factors of the regional economic coordination development of the inter-provincial boundary from the perspective of multidimensional proximity, and establish a model for empirical analysis in order to explain the impact of different proximity on the coordinated development of inter-provincial border regional economy. Furthermore, this paper explores the mechanism of promoting the coordinated development of regional economy at the provincial boundary and higher levels. Firstly, this paper reviews the related research results at home and abroad, and defines the connotation of the coordinated development of regional economy at the provincial border. On this basis, from the perspective of multi-dimensional proximity and general research perspective, this paper analyzes the factors influencing the coordinated development of regional economy in the inter-provincial border area, and establishes an index system accordingly. Based on the relevant data from 1998 to 2013, the regression model is established step by step to analyze the influencing factors of the coordinated economic development of the inter-provincial border regions, which are the middle triangle and the inter-provincial boundary regions with different levels of economic development as the research object, and based on the relevant data from 1998 to 2013, the regression model is established step by step. Through the research, this paper draws the following conclusions: in the two regions, the influence of geographical proximity on the coordinated development of the regional economy of the inter-provincial border shows an inverted "U" shape which is promoted first and then suppressed; Cognitive proximity has a positive effect on the coordinated development of regional economy at the provincial boundary, but there is no over-cognitive proximity at present, and the interaction between geographical proximity and cognitive proximity promotes the coordinated development of regional economy in the inter-provincial boundary. And the interaction is greater than the single proximity effect. The regional knowledge stock promotes the coordinated development of the regional economy, and the degree of the segmentation of the inter-regional market hinders the coordinated development of the regional economy of the inter-provincial boundary. The conclusion is as follows: the interprovincial boundary area of the middle triangle is affected by the single geographical proximity, and the "saturation point" is obviously higher than that of the inter-provincial boundary area of the Yangtze River Delta; There is excessive geographical proximity in the interprovincial boundary area of the Middle Triangle, while the Yangtze River Delta region does not have the suppressive effect of the excessive geographical proximity on the coordinated development of the regional economy for the time being. Cognitive proximity promotes the coordinated development of regional economy in the Yangtze River Delta, but it has little effect on the coordinated development of the regional economy at the inter-provincial boundary of the Middle Triangle. The complementarities between geographical proximity and cognitive proximity in the inter-provincial boundary region of the Yangtze River Delta are obviously stronger than those in the inter-provincial boundary region of the Middle Triangle region. Finally, according to the empirical conclusions, policy recommendations are put forward.
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