[Abstract]:The rapid development of emerging economies has accelerated the transformation of the world economic structure, leading to increasingly prominent issues of efficiency and coordination in global economic governance. The adverse impact of events such as Trump's election as the new president of the United States will not only affect the further development and cooperation of economic globalization, but also make trade protectionism run the risk of heating up. As participants, promoters and beneficiaries of globalization, it is China's dominant choice to curb the trend of anti-globalization. China should persist in deepening the opening to the outside world, advocate the establishment of a win-win governance mechanism for cooperation, and then promote the reform and perfection of the global economic governance system. In this process, China should strive to create a stable and open environment, strive to improve the supply capacity of international public goods, speed up financial reform and innovation, and enhance its position and voice in the global monetary and financial system. At the same time, promote free trade park and "Belt and Road" construction.
【作者单位】: 中共中央党校国际战略研究院;北京大学人力资本与国家政策研究中心;中国劳动关系学院劳动关系系;
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