[Abstract]:Population and Development (bimonthly) (January 25, 2017) is a national population academic journal sponsored by the Ministry of Education and sponsored by Peking University. I am currently using the newsroom mailbox to submit articles, email address is rkyfz@pku.edu.cn (or grkyfz@pku.edu.cn). The author's contribution should be sent to the editorial office box in electronic form. I am in the online submission system is under construction, has not been put into use. However, it has been found that the false website "population and Development" appears on the Internet. In the name of my journal, the author is requested to send an email to the rkyfz@pku.edu.cn of my editorial office before submitting or paying for the manuscript on the Internet. (o
【作者单位】: 北京大学人口与发展编辑部;
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