[Abstract]:This paper constructs the relative innovation index from the angle of innovation and centrality, and takes 21 cities in Guangdong Province as the research object, and analyzes the temporal and spatial dynamics of the interaction between regional innovation and economic scale in Guangdong Province by using exploratory spatial data analysis method. The results show that: from 2005 to 2014, the regional spatial distribution of Guangdong's innovation output shows a trend of decreasing in scope, and the regional spatial distribution of innovation undertaking shows a trend of gradual expansion of scope. This reflects the relative advantage of Guangdong regional innovation in the country has declined to a certain extent. Both the innovation output region and the innovation undertaking region tend to be adjacent to the similar type regions, and this trend is gradually changed from not significant to very significant, which gradually forms the innovation output cluster area on both sides of the Pearl River Estuary. The differences between regional innovation and economic scale in Guangdong increased in 2005-2010, but weakened in 2010-2014.
【作者单位】: 广东省社会科学院宏观经济研究所;
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