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发布时间:2019-03-27 09:45
【摘要】:改革开放以来,新疆生产建设兵团依靠粗放型的发展方式实现了经济的高速增长。但是,这种粗放型的经济发展方式是不可持续的,因此,兵团经济发展方式要实现可持续发展必须要转变现有经济发展方式。为了明确兵团经济发展方式转变的方向、采用的方法和途径,就需要对兵团经济发展方式的路径选择进行研究。文章基于此目的,在梳理了国内外相关文献和主要理论的基础上构建了由经济、社会、自然三大系统组成的兵团经济发展方式转变测评指标体系,测评了2000-2012年间兵团经济、社会、自然各系统的发展程度,经济-社会-自然三大系统协调度和经济发展方式总体转变程度,并且采用模糊综合评价法对2000-2012年间兵团经济发展方式转变所处的阶段进行判断并深入分析。得出以下重要结论: 第一,2000-2012年,兵团经济、社会、自然这三大系统发展程度不断提高。其中自然系统提高最快,社会系统最慢。经济-社会-自然系统协调度水平一直在0.5左右徘徊,处于较低的协调水平。2000-2007年,兵团经济发展方式转变程度提高缓慢,2008-2012年,明显加快。 第二,2000-2012年间,兵团经济发展方式转变状况可以划分为两个阶段:2000-2006年,兵团经济发展方式转变处于为转变做准备阶段,2007-2012年,上升为初步转变阶段。 第三,通过对兵团经济发展方式转变测评指标体系中三大系统各指标与经济发展方式转变阶段临界值的比较发现,兵团经济发展方式转变过程中的主要问题有经济结构不合理、经济效率低下、创新对经济增长驱动动力不足。 第四,从经济发展方式转变的现实障碍来看,兵团经济发展方式转变的现实障碍主要有:传统粗放型发展观念制约、经济增长方式转变一般规律制约、经济体制制约。由此导致兵团经济发展方式转变路径所呈现对投资的依赖、对廉价劳动力的依赖和对资源环境的依赖等特征。 第五,从国内外发达地区经济发展方式转变的经验看,对兵团经济发展方式转变的启示主要有:体制机制创新是保障、科技创新是支撑、结构优化升级是关键、发展循环经济是必由之路。因此,,应该借鉴以上经验结合兵团经济发展方式转变的方向进行兵团经济发展方式转变的路径选择:调整经济结构、依靠科技进步与自主创新、发展循环经济。相应的保障措施有:解放思想,转变观念;深化机制体制改革;加大创新投入与人力资本建设。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening-up, Xinjiang production and Construction Corps has achieved high-speed economic growth through extensive development. However, this extensive mode of economic development is not sustainable. Therefore, in order to achieve sustainable development, it is necessary to change the existing economic development mode. In order to make clear the direction of the transition of the economic development mode of the bingtuan, it is necessary to study the route selection of the economic development mode of the bingtuan. For this purpose, on the basis of combing the relevant literatures and main theories at home and abroad, this paper constructs the evaluation index system of the transformation of the economic development mode of bingtuan, which is composed of three major systems: economy, society and nature, and evaluates the economy of bingtuan in the period of 2000-2012. Society, the degree of development of natural systems, the degree of economic-social-natural system coordination, and the overall degree of transformation of the mode of economic development. And the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is used to judge and analyze the stage of the transition of the economic development mode of the bingtuan during the period of 2000-2012. The following important conclusions are drawn: first, from 2000 to 2012, the degree of development of the three major systems of economy, society and nature of Battalion continues to increase. Among them, the natural system improves the fastest, the social system is the slowest. The level of economic-social-natural system coordination has been hovering around 0.5, which is at a relatively low level. From 2000 to 2007, the degree of transition of the development mode of the military regiment's economy increased slowly, and from 2008 to 2012, the degree of economic development was obviously speeded up. Secondly, during the period of 2000-2012, the situation of the transition of the development mode of the bingtuan economy can be divided into two stages: from 2000 to 2006, the transition of the economic development mode of the bingtuan was in the stage of preparing for the transformation, and from 2007 to 2012, it rose to the initial stage of transformation. Thirdly, by comparing the indexes of the three major systems and the critical value of the transition stage of the economic development mode of the bingtuan, it is found that the main problems in the process of the transformation of the economic development mode of the bingtuan are the unreasonable economic structure. Economic inefficiency, innovation to economic growth driving power is insufficient. Fourth, from the perspective of the realistic obstacles of the transformation of the economic development mode, the realistic obstacles of the transformation of the economic development mode of the bingtuan mainly include the restriction of the traditional concept of extensive development, the restriction of the general law of the transformation of the mode of economic growth, and the restriction of the economic system. It leads to the dependence on investment, the dependence on cheap labor and the dependence on resources and environment due to the transition path of economic development in bingtuan. Fifthly, from the experience of the transformation of the economic development mode in the developed regions at home and abroad, the enlightenment to the transformation of the economic development mode of the bingtuan mainly includes: the innovation of the system and mechanism is the guarantee, the innovation of science and technology is the support, the optimization and upgrading of the structure is The development of circular economy is the only way. Therefore, we should use the above experience for reference and combine the direction of the transformation of the economic development mode of the bingtuan to choose the path of the transformation of the economic development mode of the bingtuan: adjust the economic structure, rely on scientific and technological progress and independent innovation, and develop circular economy. The corresponding safeguard measures include emancipating the mind, changing the concept, deepening the reform of the mechanism and system, and increasing the investment in innovation and the construction of human capital.


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