[Abstract]:County economy bears the dual development task of rural economy and urban economy. It is an important part of national economy and an important foundation of national economic development and social stability. Whether county economy can get good development is directly related to the development of rural and urban areas. Fang County is a poor county in Hubei Province, its economic development level has been in a backward position in Hubei Province for a long time. How to speed up its economic development is a very urgent and realistic problem at present. Based on the basic theory of county economy and the methods of comparative research and empirical research, this paper makes a deep analysis of the present situation and existing problems of the economic development of Fangxian County, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions in order to explore the countermeasures for the development of the economy of Fangxian County. Firstly, the research trends of county economy at home and abroad are introduced, and the basic theory of county economy is expounded. Then, taking the economic development of China's coastal areas such as Datian County and Sanyuan District of Fujian Province as examples, the successful experiences for the development of county economy are summarized. Then, the present situation and problems of the economic development of Fangxian County are analyzed deeply, and the main factors restricting the economic development of Fangxian County are pointed out, that is, the low scientific and technological quality of farmers, the dispersion of agricultural management, the lack of intrinsic vitality in industry, and the lag in the development of industrial parks. The infrastructure of tourism is not perfect and the characteristics of tourism are not obvious. Finally, from improving the environment of economic development, creating modern agricultural production and management methods, vigorously developing characteristic agriculture in mountainous areas, speeding up the adjustment of the internal structure of industry, improving industrial competitiveness, and creating famous tourist counties, Promote the driving effect of tourism industry and other aspects proposed to accelerate the development of the economy of Fangxian countermeasures. The research results of this paper have certain guiding significance to the economic development of Fangxian County, and can also be used as reference for other similar counties and cities.
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