发布时间:2019-04-09 13:21
[Abstract]:The ongoing international capacity cooperation can not only inject new impetus into the sustained recovery and healthy growth of the global economy, but also open up new space for China's economic stability and create new opportunities for win-win cooperation among enterprises of all countries. It can be described as "three wins with one stone". Compared with other countries, China's equipment is advanced and applicable, the technology is mature and reliable, the product cost-effective. It is in the common interest of China and ASEAN and countries along the Maritime Silk Road Economic Belt to carry out international capacity cooperation with each other with mutual needs, advantages and opportunities. In recent years, China has actively advocated international capacity cooperation, which has made remarkable achievements: China has signed agreements with 21 countries in total.
[Abstract]:The ongoing international capacity cooperation can not only inject new impetus into the sustained recovery and healthy growth of the global economy, but also open up new space for China's economic stability and create new opportunities for win-win cooperation among enterprises of all countries. It can be described as "three wins with one stone". Compared with other countries, China's equipment is advanced and applicable, the technology is mature and reliable, the product cost-effective. It is in the common interest of China and ASEAN and countries along the Maritime Silk Road Economic Belt to carry out international capacity cooperation with each other with mutual needs, advantages and opportunities. In recent years, China has actively advocated international capacity cooperation, which has made remarkable achievements: China has signed agreements with 21 countries in total.
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