发布时间:2019-05-19 07:31
【摘要】:随着经济全球化的日益加深,地理空间在经济中的作用不仅没有削弱,反而日渐凸显,在世界经济发展的大舞台上扮演着不可或缺的重要角色。相同产业或类似产业陆续在特定区域聚集,最终产生了产业集聚的现象。产业集聚能够使集聚区内企业获得得天独厚的竞争优势,美国的硅谷和中国的中关村都是很好的证明。而在诸多产业之中,近三十年来异军突起的高新技术产业在整个国民经济中的分量不断加重,对经济增长的拉动效应持续加强,已迅速发展成为提高国家综合实力和国际竞争力的核心要素。而近年来,作为甘肃省甚至整个西北地区最富生命力的新经济增长极,兰州-白银经济区的高新技术产业也正发展的如火如荼,其产业集聚呈现加速集中的强劲态势。因此,对兰白经济区内高新技术产业的集聚情况以及与经济发展的关系展开研究具有重大意义,,可为兰州新区乃至其它西部欠发达地区的产业集群发展提供借鉴。 论文首先通过对集聚理论的梳理和综述,获得理论基础,然后对本文的研究对象兰州-白银经济区的整体发展概况以及高新技术产业的现状做一描述,继而借助产业集聚衡量指标对这一地区高新技术产业集聚程度进行测算,并对集聚度和区域经济增长的关联性进行规范的计量分析,最后得出结论并给出相应的政策建议。 论文利用兰州-白银经济区2000-2011年的统计数据,结合区位熵、回归模型、协整检验、格兰杰因果检验以及VAR(向量自回归)模型和脉冲响应函数等分析方法,在实证研究中得出以下结论:首先,兰州-白银经济区的高新技术产业呈现集聚效应,并且集聚程度呈逐年递增趋势。从集聚指数区位熵值来看,基本上都超过了1,并在近几年逐年提高上升到了2以上,这说明兰州-白银经济区的高新技术产业刚刚走过起步阶段,正处于上升发展时期,在这期间,虽然形成了集聚,并带来了规模效应,但总体来说,高新技术产业的效率还有待进一步提升,集聚模式还有待进一步完善;其次,兰州-白银经济区高新技术产业集聚和区域经济增长之间长期存在着稳定的相关关系,高新技术产业集聚度每提高1%,就会引起兰州-白银经济区的人均GDP提高约1.01%,高新技术产业的集聚推动了经济的增长,但反过来经济的增长并没有导致高新技术产业向更高水平集聚;最后,兰州-白银经济区的高新技术产业集聚表现为一种政府主导型的集聚模式,这就要求政府应该从“加强政策引导,为培育和发展产业集群提供良好环境、明确分工,增强地区之间的战略合作、加强中介组织培育,构建产业集聚的支持体系、转变政府职能,加强公共产品的供给”这四个方面积极的引导和促进兰白地区高新技术产业集群的进一步发展。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of economic globalization, the role of geographical space in the economy is not only not weakened, but increasingly prominent, and plays an indispensable role in the big stage of world economic development. The same industry or similar industry gather in a specific region one after another, and finally produce the phenomenon of industrial agglomeration. Industrial agglomeration can make the enterprises in the agglomeration area gain a unique competitive advantage, which is proved by Silicon Valley in the United States and Zhongguancun in China. Among many industries, the emerging high-tech industries in the past 30 years have been increasing in the weight of the whole national economy, and the pulling effect on economic growth has continued to strengthen. It has become the core element to improve the comprehensive strength and international competitiveness of the country. In recent years, as the most vital new economic growth pole in Gansu Province and even the whole northwest region, the high-tech industry in Lanzhou-Baiyin Economic Zone is also in full swing, and its industrial agglomeration shows a strong trend of accelerated concentration. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the agglomeration of high-tech industries in Lanbai Economic Zone and its relationship with economic development, which can be used for reference for the development of industrial clusters in Lanzhou New area and even other underdeveloped areas in the west. First of all, through combing and summarizing the agglomeration theory, this paper obtains the theoretical basis, and then describes the overall development of Lanzhou-Baiyin Economic Zone and the present situation of high-tech industry. Then the degree of high-tech industrial agglomeration in this area is calculated with the help of industrial agglomeration index, and the correlation between agglomeration and regional economic growth is analyzed by standard econometric analysis. Finally, the conclusion is drawn and the corresponding policy recommendations are given. Based on the statistical data of Lanzhou-Baiyin Economic Zone from 2000 to 2011, combined with location entropy, regression model, cointegration test, Granger causality test, VAR (vector autoregression) model and impulse response function, this paper uses the statistical data of Lanzhou-Baiyin Economic Zone from 2000 to 2011. In the empirical study, the following conclusions are drawn: first of all, the high-tech industries in Lanzhou-Baiyin Economic Zone show agglomeration effect, and the degree of agglomeration is increasing year by year. From the point of view of location entropy of agglomeration index, it has basically exceeded 1, and has increased to more than 2 year by year in recent years, which indicates that the high-tech industry in Lanzhou-Baiyin Economic Zone has just gone through its infancy and is in a period of rising and developing. During this period, although agglomeration has been formed and brought about the effect of scale, on the whole, the efficiency of high-tech industry needs to be further improved, and the agglomeration model needs to be further improved. Secondly, there is a stable correlation between high-tech industrial agglomeration and regional economic growth in Lanzhou-Baiyin Economic Zone for a long time. It will cause the per capita GDP of Lanzhou-Baiyin Economic Zone to increase by about 1.01%. The agglomeration of high-tech industries promotes the economic growth, but the economic growth in turn does not lead to the higher level of agglomeration of high-tech industries. Finally, the high-tech industrial agglomeration in Lanzhou-Baiyin Economic Zone is manifested as a government-led agglomeration model, which requires the government to strengthen policy guidance, provide a good environment for the cultivation and development of industrial clusters, and define the division of labor. Strengthen strategic cooperation among regions, strengthen the cultivation of intermediary organizations, construct the support system of industrial agglomeration, and change the functions of the government. Strengthen the supply of public goods "these four aspects actively guide and promote the further development of high-tech industrial clusters in Lanbai area.
[Abstract]:With the deepening of economic globalization, the role of geographical space in the economy is not only not weakened, but increasingly prominent, and plays an indispensable role in the big stage of world economic development. The same industry or similar industry gather in a specific region one after another, and finally produce the phenomenon of industrial agglomeration. Industrial agglomeration can make the enterprises in the agglomeration area gain a unique competitive advantage, which is proved by Silicon Valley in the United States and Zhongguancun in China. Among many industries, the emerging high-tech industries in the past 30 years have been increasing in the weight of the whole national economy, and the pulling effect on economic growth has continued to strengthen. It has become the core element to improve the comprehensive strength and international competitiveness of the country. In recent years, as the most vital new economic growth pole in Gansu Province and even the whole northwest region, the high-tech industry in Lanzhou-Baiyin Economic Zone is also in full swing, and its industrial agglomeration shows a strong trend of accelerated concentration. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the agglomeration of high-tech industries in Lanbai Economic Zone and its relationship with economic development, which can be used for reference for the development of industrial clusters in Lanzhou New area and even other underdeveloped areas in the west. First of all, through combing and summarizing the agglomeration theory, this paper obtains the theoretical basis, and then describes the overall development of Lanzhou-Baiyin Economic Zone and the present situation of high-tech industry. Then the degree of high-tech industrial agglomeration in this area is calculated with the help of industrial agglomeration index, and the correlation between agglomeration and regional economic growth is analyzed by standard econometric analysis. Finally, the conclusion is drawn and the corresponding policy recommendations are given. Based on the statistical data of Lanzhou-Baiyin Economic Zone from 2000 to 2011, combined with location entropy, regression model, cointegration test, Granger causality test, VAR (vector autoregression) model and impulse response function, this paper uses the statistical data of Lanzhou-Baiyin Economic Zone from 2000 to 2011. In the empirical study, the following conclusions are drawn: first of all, the high-tech industries in Lanzhou-Baiyin Economic Zone show agglomeration effect, and the degree of agglomeration is increasing year by year. From the point of view of location entropy of agglomeration index, it has basically exceeded 1, and has increased to more than 2 year by year in recent years, which indicates that the high-tech industry in Lanzhou-Baiyin Economic Zone has just gone through its infancy and is in a period of rising and developing. During this period, although agglomeration has been formed and brought about the effect of scale, on the whole, the efficiency of high-tech industry needs to be further improved, and the agglomeration model needs to be further improved. Secondly, there is a stable correlation between high-tech industrial agglomeration and regional economic growth in Lanzhou-Baiyin Economic Zone for a long time. It will cause the per capita GDP of Lanzhou-Baiyin Economic Zone to increase by about 1.01%. The agglomeration of high-tech industries promotes the economic growth, but the economic growth in turn does not lead to the higher level of agglomeration of high-tech industries. Finally, the high-tech industrial agglomeration in Lanzhou-Baiyin Economic Zone is manifested as a government-led agglomeration model, which requires the government to strengthen policy guidance, provide a good environment for the cultivation and development of industrial clusters, and define the division of labor. Strengthen strategic cooperation among regions, strengthen the cultivation of intermediary organizations, construct the support system of industrial agglomeration, and change the functions of the government. Strengthen the supply of public goods "these four aspects actively guide and promote the further development of high-tech industrial clusters in Lanbai area.
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