[Abstract]:At present, the main contradiction in the economic operation of our country is on both sides of supply and demand, but the root and essence are on the supply side, and the main contradiction on the supply side is that the institutional mechanism reform lags behind, and it is both necessary and inevitable to promote the supply-side structural reform. Supply-side structural reform needs to solve the supply problem from three aspects, namely, the intensive and economical supply of factors, the effective and high-quality supply of products and the effective supply of system, in which institutional supply is the most important. Supply-side structural reform in China is essentially different from that in Britain and the United States in terms of theoretical basis, practical background, institutional environment, policy means and dynamic mechanism. Supply-side structural reform can not be regarded as a replica of the western supply school. In the process of promoting supply-side structural reform, it is necessary to deal with four important relations: supply and demand, long-term and short-term, government and market, international and domestic. Supply-side structural reform is a systematic project, which involves all aspects of economic and social development. in order to make it come to the ground in a solid manner, the focus should be on two key points: first, whether it can be done well at a time when the traditional growth momentum is declining. Cultivate and form a new growth motive force as soon as possible, and realize the effective succession of the new and old growth kinetic energy; The second is whether we can form an effective institutional supply through the reform of institutional mechanism and create a new engine for the new driving force of growth. Therefore, we should focus on the reform of administrative management system, state-owned enterprises and monopoly industries, scientific and technological innovation system, fiscal and tax financial system and related basic systems. At the same time, it is necessary to promote supply-side structural reform by expanding opening up.
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