[Abstract]:With the rapid growth of our economy and the increasing ecological crisis, how to deal with the contradiction of the economic development and the ecological protection becomes a problem to be solved in the future sustainable development of our country. The purpose of this paper is to try to establish an incentive and compatible mechanism to unify the two goals of economic development and ecological protection. In order to achieve this aim, the paper studies the economic principle of ecological compensation, the present situation analysis of the ecological compensation and the design of the ecological compensation incentive compatible mechanism, and takes the conversion of the farmland to forest as an example, and puts forward the ecological compensation model which is in accordance with the national conditions of our country. The paper, based on the theory of the economic theory of ecological compensation, is the dual value of value of the common creation of human and nature. The theory holds that human resources and natural resources are two of the most basic production factors, and their consumption in the production process needs to be compensated and the social production can be carried out continuously. The compensation of natural resources, including the ecological environment, is the essence of ecological compensation. Based on the theory of the dual value of value as the ecological compensation, the ecological compensation from the economics theory to the mechanism design and the actual operation level embody the logic and consistent thinking and method. On the basis of the economic theory of ecological compensation, the paper makes a comprehensive analysis of the present situation of ecological compensation in China, from the mineral resources and nature reserves, The achievements and problems of different types of ecological compensation are summarized in the main functional area and the watershed ecological compensation, and the mechanism design theory of incentive compatibility is introduced. The mathematical model of the incentive and compatible ecological compensation mechanism is established, and the game analysis method is applied. The behavior selection of the client (government) and agent (farmer) is studied, and the principle of eco-compensation for incentive is established. At last, using the survey data, the paper analyzes the incentive compatibility of the current forest and forestry ecological compensation mechanism, compares the cost and the income of the government and the farmers before and after returning to the forest, and summarizes the problems existing in the actual operation of the system. It is proposed that the government's direct and indirect financial compensation, in-kind compensation and other mental compensation should be adopted to improve the farmer's ecological consciousness, and to bring the farmers and the government in line with the goal to achieve the purpose of the design of the ecological compensation incentive compatible mechanism. And the sustainability of the ecological service function is maintained. The research holds that in the process of ecological compensation, the role of the market in the allocation of resources should be fully brought into full play, the use of administrative means and market means should be matched, and the incentive and compatibility mechanism of returning farmland to forests should be extended to the compensation of other types of ecological resources. And the ecological compensation incentive compatible mechanism with a wider application range is constructed.
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