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发布时间:2019-07-10 08:24
【摘要】:河南省在过去30多年中高投入、高消耗、高污染的传统经济增长方式,使其面临着巨大的资源、环境压力,不利于可持续发展。在国家经济发展大形势下,考虑到未来的经济增长,低碳经济发展模式的河南省的最佳选择。但是低碳经济发展模式和河南省现今的经济增长方式存在一定的矛盾。在低碳经济约束下,研究河南经济增长的情况,可以为河南未来的发展提供参考。此外,研究河南省低碳经济下的经济增长情况,不仅对于河南具有现实意义,而且对于理解中国中西部其它省份的经济增长模式也具有重要意义,可为未来的省级区域发展研究提供建议。本文主要内容包括以下内容。 研究首先在古典经济增长理论的基础上,建立了一个包含环境因素的内生经济增长模型,从理论上解释经济增长和碳排放量之间存在的关系,并得出低碳减排促进经济增长的转折点出现的条件。然后采用统计性描述的方式对河南经济增长质量、低碳经济发展情况作了分析。结果表明,河南省仍是粗放型的发展方式,其经济增长的推动因素主要是资本投入。虽然河南省的碳排放量增长速度小于经济增长速度,但是二者的变化趋势相同。这也说明了,河南的经济增长和碳排放量之间有一定的关系。为了进一步确定两者之间的关系,本文用计量分析方法对其进行了进一步分析,以期为政策制定提供更加详细的参考。首先用EKC理论检验了经济增长和碳排放量之间的关系,然后立足第二章经济增长核算的框架,对河南经济增长的一些特征进行了揭示,并对低碳经济发展模式下的未来经济潜在增长趋势做出了预测。得出以下几个结论:(1)河南经济增长和碳排放量之间存在着高度的相关性,并且二者之间是线性关系,河南经济增长和碳排放量之间相互促进。(2)在1996-2011年间,河南潜在经济增长中大约有2.59个百分点是环境代价。河南的经济增长受到碳排放的影响较为严重。(3)在未来的8年中,河南仍会受到碳排放的困扰,潜在经济增长率逐步降低,最终降到8%以下。(4)低碳经济发展模式对于河南潜在经济增长的约束在2020年以前仍然存在,并没有出现转折。根据以上分析,本文提出以下政策建议:应抓紧建立环境反馈机制,以保障低碳经济发展;应加快发展第三产业,以推动低碳经济发展;应着力发展清洁能源,以支撑低碳经济发展;应提高低碳技术,以助力低碳经济发展。
[Abstract]:The traditional economic growth mode of high investment, high consumption and high pollution in Henan Province in the past 30 years makes it face huge resources and environmental pressure, which is not conducive to sustainable development. Under the situation of national economic development, Henan Province is the best choice considering the future economic growth and low-carbon economic development model. However, there are some contradictions between the low-carbon economic development model and the current economic growth mode of Henan Province. Under the constraint of low carbon economy, the study of Henan economic growth can provide reference for the future development of Henan. In addition, the study of economic growth under low-carbon economy in Henan Province is not only of practical significance for Henan Province, but also of great significance for understanding the economic growth model of other provinces in central and western China, which can provide suggestions for the future study of provincial regional development. The main contents of this paper include the following. Firstly, on the basis of classical economic growth theory, an endogenic economic growth model with environmental factors is established, which theoretically explains the relationship between economic growth and carbon emissions, and obtains the conditions for the turning point of low-carbon emission reduction to promote economic growth. Then the quality of economic growth and the development of low-carbon economy in Henan Province are analyzed by means of statistical description. The results show that Henan Province is still a extensive mode of development, and its economic growth is mainly driven by capital investment. Although the growth rate of carbon emissions in Henan Province is lower than that of economic growth, the changing trend of the two is the same. This also shows that Henan's economic growth and carbon emissions have a certain relationship. In order to further determine the relationship between the two, this paper uses the econometric analysis method to further analyze it, in order to provide a more detailed reference for policy formulation. Firstly, the relationship between economic growth and carbon emissions is tested by EKC theory, and then, based on the framework of economic growth accounting in the second chapter, some characteristics of economic growth in Henan Province are revealed, and the potential economic growth trend in the future under the development model of low-carbon economy is forecasted. The following conclusions are drawn: (1) there is a high correlation between economic growth and carbon emissions in Henan Province, and there is a linear relationship between them, and the economic growth and carbon emissions in Henan Province promote each other. (2) during 1996 / 2011, about 2.59 percentage points of potential economic growth in Henan Province is the environmental cost. Henan's economic growth is seriously affected by carbon emissions. (3) in the next eight years, Henan will still be troubled by carbon emissions, and the potential economic growth rate will gradually decrease to less than 8%. (4) the constraints of low-carbon economic development model on Henan's potential economic growth still exist before 2020, and there is no turning point. According to the above analysis, this paper puts forward the following policy suggestions: we should pay close attention to the establishment of environmental feedback mechanism to ensure the development of low-carbon economy; we should speed up the development of the tertiary industry in order to promote the development of low-carbon economy; we should focus on the development of clean energy to support the development of low-carbon economy; and we should improve low-carbon technology in order to promote the development of low-carbon economy.


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