[Abstract]:With the global environmental problems becoming more and more serious, environmental audit has aroused the general concern of all walks of life in the world. With the promotion of academia, practice, regulators and some international organizations, a large number of research results and international documents on environmental audit have emerged in recent years. Such as the ISO14011 Environmental Audit Guide-Audit procedures-Environmental Management system Audit, issued by the International Organization for Standardization, and the Guide for the implementation of Audit activities from an Environmental Perspective, issued by the International Organization of Supreme Audit institutions, The auditing profession and Environment published by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and so on. However, according to the practice of environmental audit, the main body of environmental audit in various countries is the national audit institution, and the participation of accounting firms in this field is generally low. This greatly limits the popularization of the scope of environmental audit practice and the improvement of practice level. China has a short time to develop in this field, which, of course, has many reasons, such as the characteristics of environmental audit service demand, the main body of demand, the influence of regulatory agencies, etc., but from the point of view of the business development of accounting firms, Failure to develop an effective business development strategy in this area is an important reason for its failure to make a difference. In order to improve the position and function of the accounting firms in the field of environmental audit, this paper intends to probe into the current thinking of the development of environmental audit business in our country and the practical strategies that should be chosen in order to improve the position and function of the accounting firms in the field of environmental audit.
【作者单位】: 中国海洋大学管理学院;
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