[Abstract]:The existence of audit expectation gap shows that the actual performance of audit does not meet the expectations of society. Based on the audit theme, this paper discusses the reasons for the audit expectation gap from the perspective of audit objectives and audit opinions, and establishes a general theoretical framework to explain the audit expectation gap. From the point of view of audit objectives, the main mechanism of audit expectation gap is that the audit content and audit objectives which are not defined in the standards are expected for different audit topics. From the point of view of audit opinion, there are three dimensions related to the gap of audit expectation: the degree of assurance of audit opinion, the expression of audit opinion and whether the audit results are public. The closing of audit expectation gap depends on the progress and communication of audit technology.
【作者单位】: 南京审计学院审计科学研究院;
【基金】:江苏高校优势学科建设工程二期项目“现代审计科学” 国家自然科学基金(编号:71201086) 国家社会科学基金项目“审计基础理论研究”(编号:14FGL004)
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