[Abstract]:From the historical point of view, the development of the private media industry is essentially a process of continuous innovation of the media system and a process in which productivity and production relations match and coordinate with each other. Since the reform and opening up, the development of the private media industry is highly consistent with the process of China's market economy, and has made great achievements in the total amount, and has gradually become the leading force to promote the sustained development of China's media economy. There are many factors to promote the development of private media industry, but there is no doubt that institutional innovation is one of the most fundamental elements. Whether in the initial period of identity doubt or in the development of the management difficulties, the private media industry is through a series of institutional innovation to tide over the difficulties. In view of the importance of institutional innovation to the development of private media industry, this paper attempts to make a dynamic description of the process of institutional innovation of private media industry in China, taking the economic transformation since the reform and opening up in China as the background. There are three levels of meaning-the past, the present and the future. On the specific orientation, the author starts from the historical dimension, constructs the vertical coordinate of the development of the private media industry, and then carries on the investigation to the "private media industry system innovation" such as a sample with Chinese characteristics. The research on system innovation mainly revolves around a series of problems that private media industry faces in the process of development. So far, the private media industry and its various organizational forms have evolved gradually under the institutional changes, and how do we evaluate the contribution of the private media industry in the process of promoting the rapid development of the media economy in China? Under the existing media system, what institutional obstacles have been encountered by the private media industry; what system changes have been put forward in view of these rigid constraints; and under the new situation, the increasingly developed new technologies, How to seek the dynamic development of the private media industry through the system innovation, and what kind of internal governance crisis will the private media industry encounter when the enterprise scale and the scope of operation are expanding day by day? How can they achieve a breakthrough in the internal management structure and mechanism through institutional innovation? In view of the above problems, this paper takes institutional economics, industrial economics and management as the theoretical basis, taking the institutional innovation in the development of the private media industry as the main line of study, and on the basis of constructing the overall framework of the institutional innovation of the private media industry. Firstly, it analyzes the evolution mechanism of the private media industry, summarizes a cooperative evolution path of "system complementary, efficiency competition"; secondly, through the analysis of the media system of our country, It is pointed out that the restriction of the existing system is the deep reason that restricts the development of the private media industry in our country. At the same time, the imperfection of the property right system, the management system and the organization system in the private media industry are also the main obstacles to the development of the private media industry. To private media industry internal system innovation and external institutional innovation to do a detailed study. In dealing with the constraints of the external system, the private media industry still follows the old road of business breakthrough, and realizes innovation in business strategy in many aspects, such as using new digital technology, establishing new content publishing platform, and integrating among industries. Achieve capacity gap complementary; actively prepare for overseas listing, continue to join the capital chain. At the same time, in the aspect of internal system innovation, the private media industry, through various institutional arrangements, has made corresponding adjustments in the aspects of internal property rights, internal function distribution, design of internal organizational structure, and so on, and has attached importance to corporate culture and human resources. Also is the private media industry internal system innovation a symbol.
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