本文关键词: 中小企业融资服务体系 政府与市场作用边界 动态调整 出处:《企业经济》2017年08期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:From the theory of transaction cost and institutional possibility frontier model describes the relationship between alternative cost and disorderly market allocation of resources to the cost of government intervention and financing service system in small and medium enterprises, discusses the combination of the best effect of government and market in the financial services market in small and medium-sized enterprises. The role of the government and the market boundary theory and the changes of the investment and financing environment of China's small and medium-sized the requirements of the enterprise features from small and medium-sized enterprises, cooperation between the participants of the financing service system, the function change of macro environment and other factors on dynamic market and government financing service system in small and medium enterprises. The functions of government financing service system for small and medium sized enterprises in China emerged from the "government intervention" to "market funds based self configuration" from "inclusive" to "ex gratia", from "risk undertaker" to "maintain" risk sharing mechanism, policy tools to choose from The change logic of "fragmentary" to "system".
【作者单位】: 福建省社科研究基地福建江夏学院财务与会计研究中心;
【正文快照】: 一、引言政府与市场关系是经济学研究中永恒的主题。作为资源配置的两个手段,政府和市场之“手”的替代或互补关系存在于经济社会实践的各个方面,替代或互补的程度取决于其作用对象的性质,由此引发了大量对政府与市场在具体领域中作用关系的研究。中小企业融资服务领域也不例
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