本文关键词: 社会资本 民间金融 中小企业融资 出处:《投资研究》2017年07期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:In this paper, based on the theoretical and empirical analysis, studied the theory of mechanism of social capital play a role in the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises in the relationship between informal finance and formal finance in the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises in the role of the study found that: both national level and regional level, the impact of formal finance on all types of enterprises have played a dominant the role of large, in effect, small and medium enterprises is decreasing; the impact of formal finance and private finance of small enterprises in central region is the largest, followed by the eastern region, but it has little effect on small and medium enterprises in the western region. Between small and medium-sized enterprises and private finance "social relations" reduces the degree of information asymmetry between the two, at the same time "social relations also played a collateral function, instead of physical collateral, increase the small and medium-sized enterprises to obtain credit from private finance availability; private finance rely on guilt based on Moral mechanism, reputation mechanism between traders repeated game and constraint force of the third party governance mechanisms based on small and medium enterprises to reduce credit default rate. Based on the relationship between them is that in the small business financing market, private finance and formal finance showing a complementary relationship, at the regional level, according to the complementarity in the East, the western region is decreasing, at the enterprise level, according to the small and large enterprises, in descending order.
【作者单位】: 中国建设银行战略规划部;中国农业银行北京市分行;
【正文快照】: 一、引言中小企业及县域经济是中国经济的未来及新的增长点,也是我国经济增长方式由要素驱动转为效率驱动和创新驱动的关键。但近年来,随着外部经济形势的恶化与我国经济结构的转型,中小企业及县域经济融资难问题进一步恶化,高利贷这个千年难题又死灰复燃,并引发了温州民间金
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