strategic emerging industry innovation efficiency industrial
The Analysis on Innovation Efficiency of Regional Strategic Emerging Industry Based on SFA: A Case of Beijing Pharmaceutical and IT Industry
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WU Long, ZHANG Yongan (School of Economic and Management, Beijing University of technology, Beijing 100124, China)
Abstr:The innovation effects and industrial competitiveness have long been neglected in innovation research of strategic emerging industry. Applying SFA method to make a comparative analysis on the innovation efficiency of Beijing IT and pharmaceutical industry are two representative industries of Beijing strategic emerging industry. Di- vide innovation efficiency into the technological innovation efficiency and the innovative products transformation ef- ficiency. The result shows that the innovation efficiency of IT industry improved rapidly by years, but the level and configuration of scientific researchers have became the bottlenecks, which is not conducive to the develop- ment of industrial high level innovation. The pharmaceutical industry, although has the higher efficiency of techno- logical innovation, has low innovative products conversion efficiency, and the industry is lack of market competi- tiveness and innovating motivation. Then propose different measures to deal with the status quo of two industries respectively. This research can provide a basis for government to judge the effects of industry innovation policy supports, and switch policy focus according to the stage of industrial development.
Keyword::strategic emerging industry innovation efficiency industrial competitiveness technical efficiency SFA