本文关键词:政府群众利益表达渠道建设研究——基于A市的分析 出处:《财经问题研究》2014年S1期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Channel construction and Countermeasures of the integration of practice and Study on the expression of A municipal government interests of the masses, conducive to the government and the society to concern the people's interests, the "people-oriented" service concept deeply convenient and efficient public decision-making, to safeguard the interests of citizens demands and lay the foundation, also is helpful for other municipal government unblocked interests channels to listen to public opinion, to resolve the contradiction between the accumulation of experience, peers and other researchers on this issue in-depth study for reference. This paper analyzes the A expression status of the interests of the masses of municipal government channel construction, explores the A municipal government interests of the present problems and causes of channel construction, and puts forward to strengthen the A municipal government expressed interest integration and countermeasures suggestions for channel construction.
【作者单位】: 东北财经大学网络教育学院;
【正文快照】: 群众利益表达渠道是利益表达行为主体作用于行为客体的桥梁和中介,是利益表达机制的重要组成部分,是政府职能部门(利益诉求调处机构)或民间社会力量运用一定的规则、制度、程序和手段了解群众利益诉求、消除冲突状态、解决利益冲突的途径和通道[1]。研究政府群众利益表达渠道
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