本文关键词: 董事会 异质性 IPO折价 创业板 出处:《南京大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Chinese from October 2009 since the opening of the GEM market has experienced more than 3 years, completed the 355 companies listed in this period of time inside the gem, provides an important platform for the further development of China's gem enterprise. IPO publicly listed enterprises experiencing the transformation stage is very important for the company speaking, on the stage of the company by using the IPO study should help the upcoming enterprises to create better opportunities to develop themselves, has important practical significance and theoretical significance of this.IPO discount financial anomalies exist in every state of the financial market, the listing approval system of IPO underpricing in China's unique in China is more significant. The study on the IPO underpricing phenomenon in 1860s has been the rise of the west, financial economists and management experts of this phenomenon Showed a keen interest in this after the emergence of a lot of relevant literature and IPO underpricing theory. These theories and empirical results from the different angles of IPO Underpricing and the reasons for the formation of image is studied, but there is not a perfect theory can completely clear interpretation of the phenomenon of IPO underpricing. In addition because, listing system of each country, the capital market environment and the characteristics of investors are different, can not be explained by a universal theory of unity. So far scholars are still trying to explore the mysteries of IPO discount back after the research on IPO underpricing is still hot. In the IPO underpricing theory in the asymmetric information theory of its interpretation is relatively perfect, this theory is the main part of IPO based on information asymmetry between issuers, underwriters and investors of the three, I PO in the process of price determination are obtained through the game equilibrium of related parties. While carrying on distribution of signal quality in the course of the game in the transmission of information asymmetry between the equilibrium state contributed to the final. This is the first day of IPO equilibrium in an incomplete market equilibrium, investors still exist incomplete information, so the issue price determined by the issuers and underwriters and investors in the first day of issue based on incomplete information to determine the closing price on the difference between the formation of IPO. According to the provisions of the securities regulatory agency discount, the issuer to disclose to the market include corporate finance, at the time of the IPO operation, detailed information management and executives and directors. These contain information as a real value, the signal is transmitted to investors. Investors on the basis of their own cognitive capacity, on the basis of a The stock issuer information of the issuer's valuation, finally decided to buy the stock at any price. For the enterprise the board plays a very important role in the development of the company, especially for major strategic venture enterprises. The company relies on the board of directors of mutual coordination and communication after the decision, these a major strategic decision and the future development of the company. So investors for the structure of the board of directors has given very important attention and careful study on the information disclosure. The board of directors as the heterogeneity can influence the board decision-making factors as to can get extra attention. According to the structure of the board of directors and the heterogeneity of the main responsibility the impact on the underpricing of IPO put forward four hypotheses. Hypothesis three which has been verified in the empirical model. To sum up, this paper is based on asymmetric information theory On the signal transmission theory and empirical study in China GEM listed companies, in order to find the effect of heterogeneity on the board of directors of IPO underpricing, and in-depth analysis on the process of this influence. The first part of this paper, mainly puts forward the research question and explains the research significance in theory and practice. The second part is the literature review, the definition of the two main concepts of this paper elaborates the theoretical and empirical research on related reviews and then were reviewed. The third part is the research hypothesis, introduced the first part of the support of the theoretical basis of this study, then introduced the four hypotheses fourth. Part is the research design and research methods, this part mainly introduces the research variables, because the variables and control variables, and their measurement and research methods are discussed in detail. The fifth part is empirical This part of the first test, descriptive statistical analysis by SPSS software of each variable; then the specific data analysis and hypothesis test; finally the empirical test results were analyzed and discussed. The sixth part is the suggestion and direction for future research, first described this paper makes research limitations and contributions; described in this research; finally, the future research directions.
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