本文选题:外国直接投资 + 国内生产总值 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2013年博士论文
【摘要】:自1986年以来,经过历时二十多年的“改革”,越南已在社会经济领域取得了许多重大成就。1991年—2010年期间的年经济增长率为7.41%。特别是在二十一世纪的第一个十年,越南每年的经济增长率达到7.27%,被认为是世界上经济高速增长的国家之一。人均国内生产总值从2000年的400美元增加到2010年的1169美元。 在当前激烈的经济竞争环境下,快速而又可持续的经济发展已经成为世界各国的挑战。外国直接投资流入被认为能够有效地促进国民经济增长,特别是对于发展中国家而言。因此,许多国家都致力于尽可能多的吸引外国直接投资。自1987年实行“门户开放”政策以来,越南一直在改善投资环境,以吸引更多的外国直接投资。在1991年至2010年这二十年的外商直接投资项目数从152个上升到1237个,已支付的外国直接投资额从3.288亿美元上升到110亿美元。外商直接投资部分对经济增长的贡献从1991年的2%上升到2011年的19%。 本文的主要目的是评估外国直接投资和经济增长的关系,并探讨影响越南在2000-2011期间吸引外国直接投资的其他因素。 实证调查发现,在越南的外国直接投资和经济增长之间有一个相互促进关系。外国直接投资对经济增长产生积极影响,并对人均国内生产总值增长做出了显著贡献。研究还发现在越南的六个区域中,仅有五个区域存在这种良性互动。此外,研究发现,获得更多外国直接投资的省份,对于国内生产总值的增长具有更大的影响。同时,经济增长更快的省份能够吸引更多的外国直接投资。 研究结果表明,越南的法律修正案对于吸引外国直接投资有显著的负面影响,它没有提高效率,也不能对外国投资者前来投资产生足够的吸引力。我们也发现加入世贸组织对吸引外国直接投资有负面的影响,加入WTO后,越南的人均外国直接投资有所下降。实证数据证明,2008年的金融危机及2008—-2011年期间全球经济衰退给越南吸引外国直接投资带来负面影响。 研究发现,海港和机场系统对吸引外国直接投资有明显的积极影响。此外,研究还发现,由各省通过自己的网站提供的商业信息的质量对于吸引外国直接投资流向越南发挥了重要的作用。 该研究还表明,越南的经济增长依赖于金融投资水平。外国直接投资通过金融市场的发展对经济增长有积极的影响,金融市场越发达的省份将会吸引越多的外国直接投资。我们探索外商直接投资通过研究和开发活动对经济增长产生的积极影响。而研究和开发支出也对越南吸引外国直接投资有着积极和显著的贡献。 最后,研究认为,越南吸引外国直接投资存在着国内竞争,经济治理越好的省份和城市,将吸引越多的外国直接投资。
[Abstract]:Since 1986, after more than 20 years of "reform", Vietnam has made many important achievements in the field of social economy. The annual economic growth rate between 1991 and 2010 was 7.41%.Especially in the first decade of the 21 century, Vietnam's annual economic growth rate reached 7.27%, which is considered one of the fastest growing countries in the world.The GDP per capita increased from US $400 in 2000 to US $1169 in 2010.In the current fierce economic competition environment, rapid and sustainable economic development has become a challenge in the world.Foreign direct investment inflows are considered to contribute effectively to national economic growth, especially for developing countries.As a result, many countries are committed to attracting as much foreign direct investment as possible.Since its "open door" policy in 1987, Vietnam has been improving its investment climate to attract more foreign direct investment.Between 1991 and 2010, the number of foreign direct investment projects rose from 152 to 1237, and the amount of foreign direct investment disbursed rose from $328.8 million to $11 billion.The contribution of FDI to economic growth rose from 2% in 1991 to 19% in 2011.The main purpose of this paper is to assess the relationship between FDI and economic growth and to explore other factors that affect Vietnam's FDI attraction in the period 2000-2011.Empirical survey found that there is a mutually reinforcing relationship between FDI and economic growth in Vietnam.FDI has a positive impact on economic growth and contributes significantly to GDP growth per capita.The study also found that only five of Vietnam's six regions had this benign interaction.In addition, the study found that provinces that received more FDI had a greater impact on GDP growth.At the same time, faster-growing provinces can attract more foreign direct investment.The results show that Vietnam's legal amendments have a significant negative impact on attracting foreign direct investment, it does not improve efficiency, nor is it attractive enough for foreign investors to come to invest.We also find that joining the WTO has a negative impact on attracting foreign direct investment. After joining WTO, Vietnam's per capita foreign direct investment (FDI) has declined.Empirical data show that the financial crisis in 2008 and the global recession between 2008 and 2011 have had a negative impact on Vietnam's foreign direct investment (FDI) attraction.The study found that seaport and airport systems have a significant positive impact on attracting FDI.In addition, the study found that the quality of business information provided by provinces through their websites plays an important role in attracting FDI flows to Vietnam.The study also shows that Vietnam's economic growth depends on the level of financial investment.Foreign direct investment (FDI) has a positive impact on economic growth through the development of financial markets. The more developed the financial markets are, the more foreign direct investment will be attracted.We explore the positive impact of foreign direct investment on economic growth through research and development activities.Research and development spending has also contributed positively and significantly to Vietnam's foreign direct investment (FDI) attraction.Finally, the study argues that there is domestic competition in attracting FDI in Vietnam, and that provinces and cities with better economic governance will attract more FDI.
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