发布时间:2018-04-18 12:06
本文选题:股权信托 + 股权转让 ; 参考:《湘潭大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:股权信托是一种基于信赖而将股权交由他人管理的信托法律关系,是股权与信托的结合。现阶段我国的股权信托正蓬勃发展,在商事活动中发挥着重要作用。股权信托公示制度作为股权信托运行的配套制度,是股权信托有效运行的必要条件,一方面股权信托公示能够确认信托股权的独立性;另一方面,股权信托公示能够避免信托股权的有限责任性带给交易第三人的风险,,保障交易安全。然而在我国信托立法上,仅有《信托法》第10条规定了信托登记制度,对股权信托公示没有作出具体的规范。我国信托法律制度对股权信托的分类、不同股权信托的公示机关、公示程序、公示申请人、公示方式、公示事项、公示效力等具体公示制度都没有明确的规定。因此,有必要对股权信托公示进行深入研究,并借鉴域外法律制度,立足我国国情,完善我国股权信托公示制度,促进股权信托的发展。 当前,我国理论界对股权信托没有明确的界定,实践中存在不同品种“股权信托”。分析各类“股权信托”,准确界定股权信托的外延,认为以出售收益权加回购模式运作的股权收益权信托品种并非真正的股权信托。股权信托仅指以表决权或整体股权为信托财产的信托法律关系,股权信托公示的对象应该是股权的具体表现形式。两大法系对股权信托公示制度有不同的规定,我国股权信托公示应该借鉴各自优点。在构建股权信托公示制度时,认识到股权信托公示具有二重性特征,明确股权信托公示区别于股权转让过程中的公示。在公示机关的选择上,目前宜采“分散模式”,以上市股份有限公司的股权为信托财产者由证券登记结算机构负责,以非上市股份有限公司及有限责任公司的股权为信托财产者由工商行政管理部门负责。在公示方式上,上市股份有限公司股票由证券登记结算机构开设独立账户办理公示,非上市有限公司记名股票、不记名股票及有限责任公司出资额分别由工商行政管理部门登记公示,同时对不记名股票在交付时标明“信托股票”,对记名股票进行背书并标明“信托股票”及在股东名册上注明“股权信托”的方式告知交易第三方。由受托人按照公示程序履行公示义务,委托人有协助受托人的义务。此种股权信托公示是对抗要件,而非股权信托的生效要件。公示事项上须对股权信托名称、股权信托目的、股权信托当事人状况及其权限、股权信托标的、股权信托期限进行公示。对股权信托公示机关、公示义务人、公示方式、公示程序和公示事项加以细化,以完善的股权信托公示制度推动股权信托发展。
[Abstract]:Equity trust is a kind of trust legal relationship, which is based on trust, and it is the combination of equity and trust.At present, equity trust is developing vigorously in our country and plays an important role in commercial activities.As a supporting system for the operation of equity trusts, the publicity system of equity trusts is a necessary condition for the effective operation of equity trusts. On the one hand, the publicity of equity trusts can confirm the independence of the equity of the trust; on the other hand,The public announcement of equity trust can avoid the risk of the limited liability of the trust equity to the third party of the transaction and ensure the security of the transaction.However, in our trust legislation, only Article 10 of the Trust Law provides for the trust registration system, and there is no specific regulation on the publicity of equity trust.The legal system of trust in our country has no clear regulations on the classification of equity trust, the public organ of different equity trust, the procedure of public announcement, the applicant of public notice, the way of public announcement, the matter of publicity, the effect of public announcement, etc.Therefore, it is necessary to make a thorough study on the publicity of equity trust, draw lessons from the extraterritorial legal system, base on the national conditions of our country, perfect the publicity system of equity trust in our country, and promote the development of equity trust.At present, there is no clear definition of equity trust in our country, and there are different kinds of equity trust in practice.This paper analyzes all kinds of "equity trusts", defines the extension of equity trusts accurately, and considers that the types of equity right trusts operated by the mode of sale of income plus repurchase are not real equity trusts.Equity trust only refers to the trust legal relationship in which the voting right or the whole equity is the trust property, and the object of public announcement of equity trust should be the concrete form of the equity.The two legal systems have different regulations on the publicity system of equity trust, and our country should draw lessons from their respective advantages.In the process of establishing the public announcement system of equity trust, we recognize that the public announcement of equity trust has dual characteristics, and make clear the difference between public announcement of equity trust and public announcement in the course of equity transfer.In the selection of public organizations, it is advisable to adopt a "decentralized model" at present. The securities registration and settlement institutions shall be responsible for those whose trust property is the equity of a listed company limited by shares.The administrative department for industry and commerce shall be responsible for the trust property of non-listed companies and limited liability companies.In the form of publicity, stocks of listed companies limited by shares shall be publicly advertised by independent accounts opened by securities registration and settlement institutions, and registered shares of non-listed limited companies,The registered shares and the capital contributions of a limited liability company shall be separately registered and publicized by the administrative department for industry and commerce. At the same time, the bearer shares shall be marked "trust stocks" when delivered,To notify a third party of a transaction by endorsing registered shares and marking "trust shares" and marking "equity trusts" on the register of shareholders.The trustee has the obligation to assist the trustee by performing the publicity obligation in accordance with the publicity procedure.The publicity of this kind of equity trust is the element of confrontation, not the effective element of equity trust.The name of the equity trust, the purpose of the equity trust, the status of the parties to the equity trust and its authority, the subject matter of the equity trust, and the term of the equity trust should be publicized.In order to promote the development of equity trust, the public organ, the public obligor, the public way, the public procedure and the public affairs of the stock right trust should be refined in order to promote the development of the stock right trust.
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