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发布时间:2018-06-26 10:43

  本文选题:住房价格 + 溢出效应 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2013年博士论文

【摘要】:住房既一种商品也是一种福利品,这是其有别于其它一般商品的关键所在。住房的这种特殊性源于其同时具有消费、投资和社会福利功能。这三种功能也决定了对住房的需求可分为消费性需求和投资性需求,二者既可相互转化又互相影响,共同构成了住房需求。对住房价格进行研究,就必须考虑住房需求的动态转换及住房三重基本功能之间的矛盾关系,忽略任何一点都无法正确阐明住房价格的波动特征与泡沫形成机制,实证研究也往往难以得出理想的结果。因为这三重功能属性的客观存在,导致住房价格的每一次变化除影响住房市场本身的供求情况外,也会在经济和社会生活方面同时产生影响,这种影响可以称为住房价格的溢出效应。更为复杂的是:首先,住房的消费、投资和社会福利三重属性,也可以说是住房的三种基本功能,每一种功能都有与之对应的需求群体,如投资功能对应投资性需求者,消费功能对应消费性需求者,社会福利功能对应广大中低收入住房困难家庭;其次,住房三种基本功能中每一种功能的充分发挥都对住房价格提出了不同的要求,投资功能要求住房价格高涨,消费和社会福利功能要求住房价格维持在较低水平;最后,基于前两个事实,我们认为,住房价格无论如何变化都会损害三个群体中一个或两个的利益。也可以说,住房价格易于生成泡沫,并具有负面溢出效应是由住房本身的性质决定的,这种典型的市场失灵状态对于与住房市场来说带有必然性。 因此,本文的研究将以住房价格为标,以住房的三重基本功能属性为本,从理论层面考察住房价格的决定机制入手,深入研究住房价格的现实特征及其溢出效应,并依据住房三重基本功能属性之间的矛盾和对立关系解释住房市场必然失灵的原因,最后标本兼治的解决住房市场失灵难题。 本文第2章的任务是对我国住房市场现状进行归纳、总结和梳理。可知目前我国住房市场本身存在着房价收入比高、住房空置率大、投资需求旺盛和房价泡沫化等问题。这些问题表面虽然只是住房市场问题,但是由于住房商品的特殊性,住房市场中存在的各类问题都不可避免的存在溢出效应,对国民经济和社会生活都产生负面影响。最后认为我国住房市场各方面问题的共性与根源是我国过高的住房价格。 基于第2章的讨论,本文认为研究住房问题需要从价格入手。住房是一种既可以作为投资品,也可以作为消费品的特殊商品,同时还具有多重功能属性,因此它的价格决定机制非常特殊,既受价值规律的支配,也受预期影响,同时还受政府调控。基于住房的根本属性,住房经济学将住房需求按其经济性质划分为消费性需求和投资性需求。这两种需求随住房价格的变化而相互转化,需求的变化又反过来决定住房价格。对住房价格的分析必须基于住房需求的这种动态变化,并全面考虑到住房所具有的消费、投资和社会福利三重功能属性,本文第3章就住房价格展开深入研究。首先,基于住房需求的动态性特征研究不考虑外部因素影响的情况下,住房价格的决定过程。然后,考虑我国现实中的住房市场,存在着各种各样可以影响甚至是左右住房价格的经济或制度因素,在讨论住房价格问题时,无法回避这些外生影响因素的影响。本文在全面考察我国住房市场各方面影响因素的情况下,得知这些外部影响因素确实可以有效助推或延缓房价泡沫的生成。在我国的住房市场中,不但信贷规模等经济类因素可以影响住房价格,其它诸如住房市场相关制度,财政分配体系甚至是地方政府行为都对我国住房价格上涨具有不可推卸的责任,同时我国住房价格高涨也是住房市场各关联主体之间博弈的结果。 本文第4章的任务是对住房价格的溢出效应进行深入分析。研究发现:住房价格的变化可以对一个国家的经济发展和社会福利均产生影响,尤其当住房价格上涨时,住房价格的溢出效应多为负面影响,并且这种负面影响带有必然性。具体来看,住房价格可以影响家庭的投资和消费决策,也可以对企业的投资决策产生影响,甚至可以影响地方政府行为。也就是住房价格变化同时影响总消费、总投资和政府购买,进而使得住房价格影响总产出水平。同时,住房价格也可以改变有房家庭与无房家庭的永久收入水平,使得两类家庭无论在收入、消费、投资还是家庭福利方面都拉开差距,进而使社会总福利下降。从第4章的实证检验结果来看,当我国住房价格上涨时,总消费降低、投资流出实体经济领域、政府财政收入大幅增加,并且社会福利水平降低。可见,住房价格对产出的促进作用是通过增加政府购买实现的,这是一种不可持续的增长方式。而住房价格会产生负溢出效应的原因在于住房所具有的消费、投资和社会福利功能,三重功能各自对住房价格提出了不同的要求,使得住房价格面临“三难选择”,其无论如何变化都会损害一部分群体的利益。这种典型的市场失灵状况需要政府进行调节,而政府调节最有力与可行的方法就是利用制度工具。 本文第5章首先对我国目前的住房市场相关制度与政策进行归纳和整理,对这些政策与制度间的相互影响方向和相互作用进行排序,整理出住房市场相关制度和政策间的逻辑框图。得知导致我国住房价格过快上涨的最根本制度性因素在于我国住房市场供给单一,,无论是供给主体还是供给客体都存在单一化问题。然后对国际上有效解决住房市场问题的国家和地区进行探讨,总结其成功经验,并与我国进行比较,认为建立具有多层次供给特点的双轨制住房供给制度是他国成功的根本原因,这一制度也是我国所缺乏的。 本文第6章讨论并证明双轨制住房供给制度是否可行。通过考察在双轨制住房供给制度下住房价格的波动特征,本文认为双轨制住房供给制度确实可以对住房价格上涨进行有效平抑,并且可以有效隔绝风险。鉴于此,本文结合我国住房市场特征对我国的住房市场双轨制供给制度进行了初步框架设计。 综合上述研究,本文认为住房价格易于形成泡沫的特征是由住房本身性质决定的,不同的制度与宏观经济运行特征会影响住房价格的波动幅度与波动周期。而住房价格的溢出效应则是因为单一化的供给体制无法同时满足住房的三重基本功能属性。因此,有效解决此类住房市场失灵问题的办法就是实行双轨制住房供给制度。
[Abstract]:Housing is a kind of goods as well as a kind of welfare product , which is different from the other general merchandise . The particularity of the housing derives from its consumption , investment and social welfare functions . The three functions also determine the demand of housing , which can be divided into consumption demand and investment demand .
Secondly , the full play of each function of the three basic functions of the house puts forward different requirements for the house price , and the investment function calls for higher housing prices , consumption and social welfare functions and the housing price is maintained at a lower level ;
Finally , based on the first two facts , we believe that any change in housing prices will damage one or both of the three groups . It is also possible to say that housing prices tend to generate bubbles and that negative spillover effects are determined by the nature of the housing itself , which is inevitable in relation to the housing market .

Therefore , the research of this paper will take the house price as the standard , take the three basic function attribute of the house as the book , study the real characteristic of the house price and its spillover effect from the theoretical level , and explain the reason of the inevitable failure of the housing market according to the contradiction between the three basic function attributes of the housing and the opposite relation , and finally , the problem of the housing market failure can be solved .

The task of Chapter 2 of this paper is to summarize , summarize and comb the present situation of housing market in China .

Based on the discussion of Chapter 2 , this paper considers that the study of housing problem needs to be started from the price . Housing is a special commodity which can be used as an investment and can be used as a consumer product , but also has multiple function attributes .

The research finds that the change of housing price can affect the economic development and social welfare of a country , especially when the price of housing rises , the spillover effect of housing price is more negative , and the social welfare level is reduced .

Chapter 5 firstly sums up and collates the current housing market - related system and policies of our country , sorts out the mutual influence direction and interaction between these policies and systems , and sorts out the logical block diagram of the housing market - related system and policy .

Chapter 6 discusses and proves the feasibility of the dual - track system of housing supply . By investigating the fluctuation characteristics of the house price under the dual - track system , this paper considers that the dual - track system of housing supply can effectively restrain the increase of housing price and effectively cut off the risk . In view of this , this paper makes a preliminary frame design of the dual - track system supply system of China ' s housing market in combination with the characteristics of housing market in China .

Based on the above research , it is concluded that the characteristic of housing price is easy to form foam is determined by the nature of housing itself . Different system and macro - economic operating characteristics affect the fluctuation range and fluctuation cycle of housing price . The spillover effect of housing price is that the single supply system can not meet the three basic function attributes of housing at the same time . Therefore , the method of effectively solving the problem of housing market failure is to implement the dual - track housing supply system .


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