本文选题:土地证券化 + 土地流转 ; 参考:《西华大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:农村土地作为农民的重要生产资料,是农民主要的投资对象和重要生活保障,但是现行的农村土地制度,公平有余而效率不足,使得农村土地的价值非但没有得到充分的发挥,还把广大的农村劳动力紧紧的束缚在了土地上。微薄的土地产出使资金问题一直是制约我国农业发展的长期问题,在我国金融业对“三农”的投入力度不够的情况下,农民只有从土地上来获得原始资本的积累。出于增加融资渠道,促进土地流转,实现土地规模经营的目的,在我国农村推行农村土地权益证券化改革值得深入探讨。资产证券化是近年来金融领域最重要的创新之一,通过证券化融资是现代金融发展的潮流,土地是市场经济中具有巨大价值的经济资源,采用证券化这种价值经营形态将农村土地的承包经营权或未来收益变为可销售,可流通的金融产品,提高农业抵抗风险的能力,具有明确的经济学意义。如果能够充分运用土地权益证券化这种融资方式,广泛的筹集社会资金,提供一条可行的融资渠道,就可以解决我国农业发展缺乏长期有效资金的问题。本文以农村土地财产权为基础,以农村土地权益证券化为研究对象,借鉴发达国家的发展模式,结合我国农村的基本国情,构建适合我国农村发展的证券化制度。本文分为四个部分: 第一部分为绪论部分。这部分首先结合我国土地形势和次贷危机引发的金融危机国际经济形势,阐述了本文的研究意义和研究背景,明确了本文的研究框架和思路,分析了研究的创新点和不足之处。 第二部分阐述了农村土地权益证券化的基本理论。从资产证券化的概念到我国农村土地权益证券化的概念,,结合我国土地的基本理论,阐述了农村土地权益证券化的基本原理,为下文做好了理论铺垫。 第三部分对境外农村土地证券化进行了比较分析。这部分借鉴了发达国家(地区),德国、美国、日本及我国台湾的发展经验及各自的组织模式特点,得出了在我国推行土地权益证券化需要政府扶持、专门的特殊目的机构、完善的法律制度的先进经验。并提出了在我国推行农村土地权益证券化的一个首要前提,土地财产权的概念。 第四部分为我国农村土地权益证券化的框架构建。首先进行了对可实施证券化的土地范围的界定和实施土地证券化的可行性分析。接着参照资产证券化的原理,分析了农村土地证券化的各参与机构,并设计了运作的基本流程,最后阐述了在我国推行农村土地权益证券化应该把握的几点原则。 第五部分是关于农村土地权益证券化的未来发展。阐述了证券化对我国农村发展的重要意义,以及我国实行农村土地权益证券化的障碍及对策。
[Abstract]:As an important means of production of farmers, rural land is the main investment object and important living security of farmers. However, the present rural land system is fair and inefficient, which makes the value of rural land not only not fully play, The vast rural labor force is tightly tied to the land. The meagre land output makes the capital problem a long-term problem that restricts the development of our country's agriculture. Under the circumstance that the financial industry of our country has not invested enough in the "three rural areas", the peasants can only get the accumulation of the original capital from the land. In order to increase the financing channel, promote the land circulation and realize the land scale management, it is worth discussing deeply to carry out the reform of the securitization of the rural land rights and interests in the countryside of our country. Asset securitization is one of the most important innovations in the financial field in recent years. Financing through securitization is the trend of modern financial development. Land is an economic resource of great value in the market economy. It is of economic significance to adopt the value management form of securitization to change the contracted management right or future income of rural land into marketable and marketable financial products and to improve the ability of agriculture to resist risks. If we can make full use of the securitization of land rights and interests, raise social funds extensively, and provide a feasible financing channel, we can solve the problem of the lack of long-term effective funds for the development of agriculture in China. Based on the property rights of rural land, taking the securitization of rural land rights and interests as the research object, using the development model of developed countries for reference and combining the basic conditions of our country's rural areas, this paper constructs a securitization system suitable for the rural development of our country. This article is divided into four parts: the first part is the introduction part. This part firstly combines the land situation of our country and the international economic situation of the financial crisis caused by the subprime mortgage crisis, expounds the research significance and research background of this paper, clarifies the research frame and train of thought of this article, and analyzes the innovation point and the deficiency of the research. The second part expounds the basic theory of securitization of rural land rights and interests. From the concept of asset securitization to the concept of securitization of rural land rights and interests in our country, combined with the basic theory of land in China, this paper expounds the basic principle of securitization of rural land rights and interests, which lays the groundwork for the following theory. The third part of the foreign rural land securitization comparative analysis. This part draws lessons from the development experience of developed countries (regions), Germany, the United States, Japan and Taiwan as well as the characteristics of their respective organizational models, and concludes that the implementation of securitization of land rights and interests in China requires government support and special purpose agencies. Advanced experience in a sound legal system. It also puts forward the concept of land property right, which is the first prerequisite of the securitization of rural land rights in China. The fourth part is the frame construction of the securitization of rural land rights and interests in our country. Firstly, the definition of land scope of securitization and the feasibility analysis of land securitization are carried out. Then, referring to the principle of asset securitization, this paper analyzes the participating institutions of rural land securitization, designs the basic process of operation, and finally expounds some principles that should be grasped in carrying out the securitization of rural land rights and interests in our country. The fifth part is about the future development of rural land equity securitization. This paper expounds the significance of securitization to the development of our country's countryside, and the obstacles and countermeasures to implement the securitization of rural land rights and interests in our country.
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