[Abstract]:At present, the exit mode of the property right type indemnificatory apartment in our country can be divided into active exit and compulsory exit, and the construction of fair and reasonable exit mechanism is the guarantee to make the property right type indemnificatory apartment return to the value attribute of "public goods". To perfect the exit mechanism of the property right type indemnificatory apartment, we should start with the analysis of the existing problems of the exit mechanism, take the transition from "limited property right" to "common property right" as the angle of view, reshape the property right attribute of the property right type indemnificatory apartment, and establish the government repurchase system. Carry out the "internal cycle" of the transaction and formulate the unified reasons for withdrawal and diversified exit measures.
【作者单位】: 南开大学法学院;云南省高级人民法院民二庭;
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