[Abstract]:The relationship between the real estate industry and the bank is very close. On the one hand, the development of the real estate industry can not be separated from the participation and support of the bank. The capital demand of the real estate development and sales is large, the supply and demand can not be separated from the financial support; the other side, the stability of the bank assets is also subject to the real estate price. In China, with the main indirect finance, the real estate industry has a higher dependence on the bank credit, which leads to the continuous accumulation of the real estate credit risk in our banking system. Once the real estate market shocks, the bank assets will inevitably be hit. As a capital intensive industry, the price fluctuations in the real estate industry are not fluctuating. It will only affect the living standard of the residents and the development of related industries in the real estate industry, and will also threaten the normal financial order and the sustained and healthy development of the national economy.
Under this background, this paper analyzes the current situation of the development of the real estate industry in China, summarizes the main problems in the real estate market, combs the transmission mechanism of the commodity house price fluctuation to the stability of the bank assets, sums up the impact of the price fluctuation on the stability of the bank's assets, and empirically tests the fluctuation of the commodity house price to the bank. The relationship between the price fluctuation of the commodity house and the stability of the bank assets is deeply discussed in this paper, which provides a reference for understanding the credit risk faced by the bank system in China and realizing the steady development of the real estate market.
First, the price fluctuation of the real estate market affects the stability of the banking system through the mechanism of credit, liquidity and information transfer. The fluctuation of the house price will affect the credit status of the borrower and aggravate the credit risk that the bank faces. As an important source of public access to the real estate market information, the bank's real estate development and mortgage loans can affect the public's judgment on the real estate market and magnify the market sentiment.
Secondly, the investment scale of our real estate market is expanding and the sales price is rising rapidly. In recent years, the total investment of real estate in China has developed rapidly. The proportion of real estate investment in the fixed assets of the whole society is about 18%, and the proportion of GDP is about 10%, which is far more than the internationally recognized alert level, and the real estate has been overheated. Real estate is a sign of real estate. The problem of excessive price rise is more prominent, causing public concern about the bubble of real estate prices. The continuous and rapid rapid rise of real estate in China has led to a strong speculative atmosphere in the real estate market in some regions. High prices have far exceeded the purchasing power of ordinary residents; the government through policy making and land supply control. System and other means to guide the development of the real estate market, but the goals of the central government and the local government are not exactly the same. The local government has the pressure to push up the house prices for the pursuit of political achievements. In addition, the real estate development enterprises generally focus on the development of high price commodity housing because of the large difference in the profit space of different types of real estate. In China's real estate market, low price commercial housing is too few, and the market structure is not balanced.
Third, according to the calculation of the value deviation of real estate according to the basic value method, it is found that the income level has a significant impact on the house price. In the long run, the demand factor plays a more important role, while the effect of interest rate adjustment is not apparent in the monetary policy tool, the change of the loan scale is stronger. Based on the rate of inflation, the rate of loan growth and capital adequacy The bank stability index is constructed by the rate of rate and bad loan rate. From the trend of China's bank stability, we can find that the stability of China's banking industry has been obviously improved after the entry of WTO, but there is a sign of decline after the subprime crisis. The empirical test of the impact of commodity price fluctuation on the stability of banks' assets has been found. The volatility of house prices can significantly affect the stability of the banking system. The moral risk and adverse selection caused by house price bubbles resulting from the price deviation from the basic value lead to the accumulation of bank risks.
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