[Abstract]:There is a very important principle in securities law, which is the disclosure of information. The decision of listed companies becomes a dynamic information source, which affects the fluctuation of securities prices, which inevitably requires fair, open and fair disclosure of securities information. However, in the real securities trading, because the quantity of information disclosure is not high, the information obtained by both sides of the transaction is asymmetric, and the phenomenon of seriously harming the interests of investors is common. In the securities market, investors are one of the most important market subjects, if their legal rights and interests are not effectively protected. Its investment confidence has been hit, the end result is that investors choose to stay away from the market. Therefore, the key to our legislation is to guarantee the right of the investing public to obtain information and to strengthen the management and efficiency of the securities market. The obligation of information disclosure is a legal obligation assumed by the obligor of information disclosure to a non-specific investor. It requires the subject of the obligation to perform the obligation in accordance with the legal form and content; the subject of the obligation of information disclosure refers to the compulsory provision of the relevant law, The entity or individual who is obliged to disclose to the public in his own name the information relating to the issue and transaction of securities and to undertake the responsibility of surety for the authenticity and accuracy of the information. This paper focuses on the analysis of some problems existing in the information disclosure of the securities market, and tries to perfect the relevant legislation through the discussion of these problems one by one. What is the nature of the obligation of information disclosure in the securities market, what are the subjects of the disclosure of information in the securities market, how do these subjects fulfill the obligation of disclosure, and what legal liability should these subjects bear if they fail to perform the obligation of information disclosure? It is hoped that the research in this paper will be helpful to the construction of a theoretical system of information obligations in the securities market, and that a series of illegal disclosures in the securities market will be punished in accordance with the law, not in an awkward place, but in practice to improve the maneuverability. Regulate improper disclosure in the securities market and promote the long-term and stable development of the securities market.
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