[Abstract]:China has become one of the most promising investment markets in the world. According to the strategic plan of the third Plenary session of the National Central Committee, real estate and investment industries are important national production and concern industries. As the investment platform of Jinding property, Jinding property and small loan guarantee, Jinding Investment Group has developed rapidly in recent years with the company's business transformation and continuous upgrading. However, under the new situation, the company is faced with some difficult problems, such as the overall imbalance in development and the fierce competition in the development of many businesses. How to enlarge the market share in the real estate market which has the opportunity and challenge is the problem that must be solved in the development strategy of the enterprise. This paper aims at the present situation of the enterprise development, the foundation of the enterprise development strategy, the internal and external resource environment that Jinding Group faces, and constructs the enterprise development and expansion strategy in line with the industrial structure. Firstly, this paper expatiates on the management status of Jinding Investment Group Company, the overall development of the enterprise, and the implementation of the strategy of the enterprise, through in-depth analysis of the company's management and the degree of implementation of the strategy. Find out the problems existing in the strategy formulation and implementation of enterprises. Secondly, combined with the analysis of company resources and SWOT analysis, the internal and external environment and resource capability of enterprises are analyzed objectively, which indicates the environmental mechanism and development conditions of enterprises' development, and clarifies the opportunities, challenges, advantages and disadvantages of enterprises in the market. This paper analyzes the strategic problems faced by Jinding Investment Group, and analyzes the resource ability, marketing ability and operation ability of the enterprise with the combination of the theory of enterprise competitiveness and the strategic theory of resources. Thirdly, according to the strategic choice theory of important resources and boundaries, the thesis chooses the focusing strategy of positioning capital, and uses Boston matrix to select the superior enterprise strategy, and makes the strategic formulation of the company business. Through the analysis of the power strategy to the Jinding Investment Group Company, the paper constructs the economic model and the influence strategy of the Jinding Investment Group Company, and forms the strategic advantage of the company, which is the strategic transformation of the Group. Do a good job of functional strategy and the implementation of the strategy to provide protection measures. Finally, the Boston matrix and potential difference principle are used to select the strategic position and implement the enterprise strategy, and to carry out the preparation and specific functional strategy before the implementation of the strategy, including human resources, management, service brand, etc. The four functional strategies of financial management, through the operation management process reengineering to achieve the rapid turnover of corporate capital, brand analysis through the adoption of differentiation line, brand strategy reconstruction, Through the analysis of human resources to formulate the human resources strategy in line with the needs of the development of the company, through the effective control of finance, financing to adopt a diversified way to achieve capital leverage.
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