[Abstract]:Non-government lending has become the most important issue in our country's folk financing problems, which directly or indirectly reflects many important social problems, such as social management, legal order, fairness and justice, and so on. Especially in the judicial trial, the civil loan disputes highlight the intersection and conflict of laws, regulations and policies, resulting in the lack of stable policy, system support and frequent disputes, difficult interest litigation. In the process of private lending, the lack of credit and transaction between the parties broke down, which increased the transaction cost, expanded the transaction risk and reduced the economic benefits. In order to effectively prevent many problems in private lending and to stop disputes over private lending before litigation, the urgent task is to first standardize the unified "Model Folk loan contract" in the country. In this way, the demands of both parties to the lawsuit can be clarified. It can lighten the burden of proof of the parties, and make the folk loan have the standard restriction in the initial stage. At the same time, it is urgent to clarify the connection of relevant departments and laws in substantive law through judicial interpretation, clarify the application of relevant rules in procedural law, and clarify the relationship between laws, regulations and administrative regulations, local legislation, folk customs, etc. So that it has an approachable chain function.
【作者单位】: 北京大成(沈阳)律师事务所;沈阳市中级人民法院;
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