[Abstract]:This paper reviews and summarizes the research progress of housing security system change in China by the method of literature review, and finds that there are three main research contents in this field: one is historical evolution research, the other is institutional origin and change motive force research. Third, the empirical study of institutional change. There are many researches on historical evolution and experience summary, and few studies on the dynamics of institutional change. The main research methods are the methods of collecting and examining materials and the paradigm of rational institutionalism analysis. In addition, it is also found that, as an important promoter of reform, the government has some problems in the process of promoting, such as the unclear orientation of the responsibility of government housing security and the heterogeneity of demands between the central government and local governments. This causes the housing security policy appears the legal system is not perfect, the distribution system is not perfect and so on. At present, China still needs to clarify the relationship between the central government and the local government and define the responsibility of housing security in China when carrying out the reform of the housing security system. It is necessary to use appropriate methods to study the dynamics of housing security system change and the experience of housing security system reform from different angles.
【作者单位】: 南京农业大学公共管理学院;
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