[Abstract]:With the development of our country's economy and society, the income level of the urban residents is increasing gradually. At the same time, the problem of housing price, which is closely related to the residents' life, has been paid more and more attention to by all aspects of the society. Although the implementation of the monetization of housing distribution in China has brought unprecedented opportunities for the development of the real estate market, it has also promoted the housing prices to rise all the way and increased the burden of housing purchase by residents. Therefore, under the current housing price, whether the residents have the purchasing power of housing has become the focus of all aspects of the society. By analyzing a large number of domestic and foreign research materials, taking the internationally accepted practice as the reference, and combining the actual situation of our country, this paper uses the index of house price to income ratio to measure the housing purchasing power of the residents in Yangquan city. The content is divided into four parts. The first part summarizes the theory of house price to income ratio. Firstly, this paper introduces the typical research contents of house price income ratio at home and abroad through literature review, and then expounds the basic theory of house price income ratio, including its definition analysis, calculation method selection, characteristics and influencing factors. Finally, the reasonable range of the ratio of house price to income is obtained by means of the housing purchase model, taking the personal housing loan and solvency as the starting point. The second part, the Yangquan housing market situation is analyzed in detail. First, the paper studies the land development of Yangquan city, and then studies the investment, construction and transaction of commercial housing in different years. The third part is the study of the purchasing power of housing in Yangquan. Firstly, the paper studies the income of residents from the aspects of household population, savings, income and housing consumption, and then studies the price changes of new commercial housing, stock housing and affordable housing in Yangquan. Finally, through a large amount of data, the paper analyzes the ratio of house price to income of each income class family to the new commodity house, the stock commodity house and the economical and applicable housing, and analyzes the purchasing power of each income class family to the various kinds of housing. It is pointed out that the new commodity housing has a high housing price to income ratio, most households do not have effective purchasing power, the middle income class and above have the overall purchasing power to the stock commodity housing; Middle-and low-income groups and part of small-family housing comfortable housing with ladder distribution of purchasing power. In the fourth part, the author puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions on the housing market and the current situation of residents' income in Yangquan City, and expounds the four aspects of housing supply, income distribution, housing construction and residents' consumption respectively.
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