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发布时间:2018-09-03 11:37
[Abstract]:At the present stage, indemnificatory apartment's task is arduous. The key to complete the task is to solve the problem of power mechanism of the local government indemnificatory apartment construction. Therefore, the article combs the recent data such as comfortable housing, low-rent housing, public rental housing and so on, the amount of construction land supply and the amount of funds invested in the construction, etc., which are insufficient to the local government. From the perspective of the public choice theory, the assumption of "economic man" is taken as the logical starting point to investigate the performance of insufficient power, such as poor implementation of land supply plan, insufficient capital input, and part of indemnificatory apartment's substandard quality. This paper analyzes the logic of local government behavior and the reasons for indemnificatory apartment's lack of motivation in construction, and finally proposes to improve the fiscal and taxation system and the supervision and accountability mechanism. In order to promote the sustainable development of housing security, the mechanism of performance assessment and the measures to stimulate the internal motive force and strengthen the external thrust and gravity of the local government indemnificatory apartment construction by introducing private capital into the construction of indemnificatory apartment are put forward in order to promote the sustainable development of housing security.
【作者单位】: 上海杉达学院;华东师范大学商学院;


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