发布时间:2018-09-19 18:43
【摘要】:近年来多家省级农村信用社大力推广农户集中评级授信业务,该业务模式在提高农户贷款业务效率的同时,也蕴含着较大的风险,如果控制不当不仅会直接影响信用社经营的安全性,也会影响到整个农村信用体系的健康性。因此,对农户集中评级授信的信贷风险进行研究就显得十分必要和迫切。鉴于此,本文采用规范研究与案例研究相结合的研究模式,以A农村信用社为例展开对农户集中评级授信贷款风险管理问题的研究。 以农村信用社农户贷款风险因素分析为切入点,通过对传统农户贷款和集中评级授信贷款业务流程的比较,对集中评级授信的农户贷款风险成因进行剖析,在此基础上,以信贷风险管理基本理论为理论依托,设计出集风险识别、风险评估和风险控制于一体的农村信用社农户集中评级授信贷款业务三维风险管控模式。并以A农村信用社为案例对象,对其农户集中评级授信贷款风险控制体系的建立健全进行了系统研究。本文所提出的农村信用社农户集中评级授信三维风险管控模式丰富了商业银行风险管控理论体系,,对商业银行特别是农村信用社农户集中评级授信贷款风险管理实践具有重要的借鉴价值。
[Abstract]:In recent years, a number of provincial rural credit cooperatives have made great efforts to promote farmers' centralized credit rating business. This business model not only improves the efficiency of farmers' loan business, but also contains greater risks. Improper control will not only directly affect the security of the operation of credit cooperatives, but also affect the health of the whole rural credit system. Therefore, it is necessary and urgent to study the credit risk. In view of this, this paper adopts the research mode of combining normative research with case study, taking A rural credit cooperative as an example to study the risk management of farmers' centralized credit rating loan. Based on the analysis of the risk factors of rural household loans in rural credit cooperatives, this paper analyzes the causes of the credit risk of rural households with centralized credit rating by comparing the business processes of traditional farmers' loans with centralized rating loans. Based on the basic theory of credit risk management, this paper designs a three-dimensional risk management model of rural credit cooperatives, which integrates risk identification, risk assessment and risk control. Taking A rural credit cooperative as an example, the paper makes a systematic study on the establishment and perfection of the risk control system of rural households' centralized credit rating loan. The three-dimension risk control model of rural credit cooperatives, which is proposed in this paper, enriches the theoretical system of risk control in commercial banks. It has important reference value for commercial banks, especially farmers of rural credit cooperatives.
[Abstract]:In recent years, a number of provincial rural credit cooperatives have made great efforts to promote farmers' centralized credit rating business. This business model not only improves the efficiency of farmers' loan business, but also contains greater risks. Improper control will not only directly affect the security of the operation of credit cooperatives, but also affect the health of the whole rural credit system. Therefore, it is necessary and urgent to study the credit risk. In view of this, this paper adopts the research mode of combining normative research with case study, taking A rural credit cooperative as an example to study the risk management of farmers' centralized credit rating loan. Based on the analysis of the risk factors of rural household loans in rural credit cooperatives, this paper analyzes the causes of the credit risk of rural households with centralized credit rating by comparing the business processes of traditional farmers' loans with centralized rating loans. Based on the basic theory of credit risk management, this paper designs a three-dimensional risk management model of rural credit cooperatives, which integrates risk identification, risk assessment and risk control. Taking A rural credit cooperative as an example, the paper makes a systematic study on the establishment and perfection of the risk control system of rural households' centralized credit rating loan. The three-dimension risk control model of rural credit cooperatives, which is proposed in this paper, enriches the theoretical system of risk control in commercial banks. It has important reference value for commercial banks, especially farmers of rural credit cooperatives.
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